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In how many days...

It depends on the amount and type of work that was done in the dental - but if mine aren't nomming properly again after 2 days they go back and I insist that the vet looks again
well, there were spurs removed and as far as I know there were wounds in her mouth.

Her dental was done on the 1st (I took her back late in the evening) and yesterday she nommed some banana, parsley and fennel, but not soooo much. I bought her some treat bag and she picked up whatever she liked from there. But as whole it wasn't a lot. When I go back I'll check up how much she ate.
Mine that had regular dentals (molar spurs) often started eating normally the next day, once the anaesthetic has totally worn off. I would keep an eye on them / syringe feed if necessary for a few days for a standard dental. Sometimes they don't like the 'feel' of their new teeth and it takes a bit of getting used to. If they are not picking up after a couple of days, I would be getting them checked out again. Any bunny that is prone to stasis needs regular feeding and possibly covering meds (gut stimulants, pain relief). You can't leave it in the hope they will pick up on their own as they can go downhill so quickly.
Normally within a day or two, but Pebs took longer to get over the anesthetic last time, so needed encouragement with baby food and favourite fruit to start with. If not eating anything, I would take back to vets as bun may need more pain relief/anti-inflammatory meds, but if he/she is eating something, then that is a good sign. Just watch carefully and make sure he/she is eating drinking/pooing & weeing. Normally vet's don't release them till they do all this, but Pebs was done late in afternoon for some reason, and was a lot more "out of it" than usual, so he was much slower to start eating.
I agree with them feeling odd about other 'new' teeth. Also, if tongue cut, that is very sore for a few days. It's important to keep them eating, even if it's just veggies initially that's okay, just keep their tummy working. I think buns sort of get used to dentals and how they feel. If this is first dental it's a lot to cope with. The anaesthesia makes them feel awful, their mouth is held open which could leave them a bit achy, new teeth etc. I think the key here is the wounds. Just try and get what you can down her. If you have big bits of food make them smaller and tempt her with favourites. I'd have a word with the vet if she isn't eating happily by now.
Oh thank you guys I'm calmer now:)
Well, Chrissy is eating leaf vegetables, fruits and some treats, but not sooo much of them and she stays away from pellets.
It's been 3 days already, tough..but I know she had wounds in her mouth, so I guess it's normal!

She gets enough metacam, she's syringe-fed so I make sure there's some fibre in her belly every day, she has a gut-stimulant as well, so all precautions are taken:)Poo is normal! A bit small, but normal balls:)

I'm just worried n curious because I expected it not to take more than a day.
Sounds like everything's under control. It is stressful for them. Sometimes Milly recovers quicker than other times. I'm sure she'll be back to normal very soon. Sometimes it's just time that's needed. Once we've done our bit-got them vet care etc, we just have to be patient. I think that's the hardest bit!
Sounds like everything's under control. It is stressful for them. Sometimes Milly recovers quicker than other times. I'm sure she'll be back to normal very soon. Sometimes it's just time that's needed. Once we've done our bit-got them vet care etc, we just have to be patient. I think that's the hardest bit!

Thank you, let's hope it will be allright!:)