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Esther ~ 30th September 2013

Jane, I'm so sorry you lost Esther :cry: she was so lucky to have had you. Binky free Esther. Sending hugs xx
RIP Esther, you were a gorgeous rabbit with some very pretty and unusual markings.
Thinking of you and all your other buns Jane x
Oh no!, Jane I am so sorry, I remember her so very well, you did a fabulous job with her and she was so lucky to have you, well done Jane for what you did for her and I am so sorry she has gone to the Bridge

Binky free beautiful Esther, have fun at the Bridge xxxx
I'm so sorry Jane, but as you said, her pain is over now. What an amazing bun she has been over the years though, and seeming to whatever she had to deal with, just getting on with it and doing just that. So incredibly beautiful as well, I can understand perfectly how much you are hurting now. Party on at the bridge Esther :love: