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Esther ~ 30th September 2013

What a beautiful girl she was. Awful decision to make but we do it because we love them so much and would rather we bear the pain than our beloved furry friends. You did the right thing right to the end. Binky free Esther xxx
Jacks Jane, i have been reading all the tributes to ur wonderful bunnies and am in floods of tears for ur losses But full of admiration for such wonderful lives U gave them and my heart truly goes out to U for the pain u must still be in. I still struggle with loosing my lance two months ago But U were very kind and thoughtful with ur posts to me at that time. I am once again so so sorry for all of the passing of ur precious babies x
Jacks Jane, i have been reading all the tributes to ur wonderful bunnies and am in floods of tears for ur losses But full of admiration for such wonderful lives U gave them and my heart truly goes out to U for the pain u must still be in. I still struggle with loosing my lance two months ago But U were very kind and thoughtful with ur posts to me at that time. I am once again so so sorry for all of the passing of ur precious babies x

Thank you xx