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Esther ~ 30th September 2013

Oh Jane, I've only just seen this :cry:

I'm so terribly sorry and wish with all my heart that I could help ease your pain.

RIP beautiful Esther xxx
I'm so sorry Jane. I can't imagine what you're going through over these past months. I know it's hard but think of the happy times and how you've improved all your buns' lives. Old age, whilst not changing the loss of a family member, is the best way to go.

I'm thinking of you :( :love:
Sweet dreams beautiful Esther. I'm so sorry you're suffering yet another sad loss Jane :cry:. (((Hugs))).
I am so very sorry that you have lost your beautiful girl. :cry: I am thinking of you and Dermot. xx

Goodnight Esther, sleep well little one. xx