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Alpha Buck

His story.
This was Digger when after he came to me from roaming the streets, hence his name, he had worn his nails down digging probably for food. :cry:
He used to sit here near to where he could try to get to my phone wires in the front room, [ We had a lot off new phones as i remember after he came to live with us, lol.]
We already had Sparkle, Well she liked the look of him. :D She moved into his pen and claimed him as hers.

This is how i want to remember them now , together. within 4 months of each other. God bless you both and keep you safe in his hands till we meet again my little babies. xxx
After recurring head tilt, over the last few months and being ill in between it was kinder to let him be p.t.s as he was becoming weaker every time. It was a hard decision to make. i didn't want him to go. :cry:
Thanks everyone for your replies, Today was difficult, not having meds to do for him left a gap in the day, that i noticed more for the loss of him.there.:cry::cry::cry:
When i first had him, i also has Sparkle and this bridge bun Pixie.
He was over 6 and his kidneys where failing, he also broke my heart to let him go. He followed my hubby round the garden like a little dog. Where he used to sun his self on the patio is where new bun Holly now likes to sun bath too.
All 3 buns Digger ,Sparkle and Pixie are now reunited near to this sunny spot that Pixie liked to be. Now they are all sunning themselves at the bridge. :)xxx

what a sad story. digger and sparkle are now together eating carrots in the rabbit hutch in the sky. may they rest in peace. will miss digger and sparkle.