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Brilliant News For Crackerjack

Angie has trashed her cage in tantrums but has eaten and poo'd

Crackerjack has eaten some of the soaked pellets overnight and done some slightly better poos:D
Just spoken to the vet and she is so pleased

Taking Eppie the matted bun in now
YAY! I know you'd rather have a bunny having a paddy than not eating ;):lol:

Best of luck with Eppie, bless her x
How are Crackerjack & Angie doing now? Still noming & pooing? Has Angie stopped having a tantrum & trashing her cage? :lol:
Angie is still not a happy bunny..she hates her collar..but is eating normally

Crackerjack is not having any more meds, he is eating by himself but not huge quantities:?
Angie is still not a happy bunny..she hates her collar..but is eating normally

Crackerjack is not having any more meds, he is eating by himself but not huge quantities:?

Well that's a massive improvement from the start of the week :) Hope Crackerjack gets his full appetite back today and Angie is a bit happier :D
Angie is still not a happy bunny..she hates her collar..but is eating normally

Crackerjack is not having any more meds, he is eating by himself but not huge quantities:?

I haven't read the whole thread, and obv you know much more about bunnies than me, but when Beau was off his food, didn't have gas, didn't have a bloackage, didn't have stasis, just wasn't particularly interested in food we took him to a rabbit expert, and she said he would have forgotten what it was like to have a full belly. So she syringe fed him 20mls of baby food/recovery mix, and literally as soon as he went back in the carrier he ate a whole leaf of greens!