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bisc is at the vets- test results-u/d-seems ok again

Glad to hear he's home and feeling better. :) Xena always gets horrible poos when she is stressed, so it's probably mainly that.

Sending him lots of vibes. Hope his bloods come back ok. :thumb:

he did seem really stressed on the way home. i felt so awful :( he has a sensitive tummy anyway so i do worry about any kind of stress. the worst his poops were was after losing matt. i can imagine he had never been as stressed as then. :cry:

anyway, he's asleep next to me here at the min, snoring away as usual.

he feels a bit skinnier aswell when i stroke him. his weight was 2.25kg, down from 2.33kg so he has lost some weight.
he did seem really stressed on the way home. i felt so awful :( he has a sensitive tummy anyway so i do worry about any kind of stress. the worst his poops were was after losing matt. i can imagine he had never been as stressed as then. :cry:

anyway, he's asleep next to me here at the min, snoring away as usual.

he feels a bit skinnier aswell when i stroke him. his weight was 2.25kg, down from 2.33kg so he has lost some weight.

Him being ill could simply be him suffering from the loss of Matt. Fiver was very, very poorly for months after we lost Ellie (his wifebun) and he didn't really recover until I bonded him with Xena. Since then he's only needed one dental and has had only one instance of tummy trouble. I felt awful getting another bun so soon after losing Ellie, but it's what Fiver needed.

I really hope whatever is wrong, is easily treatable. The fact that he seems back to his usual self all ready is a good sign. x
I'm just seeing this now, I'm so sorry Bisc had to go into the vet today. But I'm glad he's back home now and doing okay. (((((((((Vibes))))))))))
I notice all sorts of things like bad poos to sudden moulting when my buns get stressed by a vet trip. I'm sure Bisc will be back to himself completely very soon.
Sending vibes and prayers that the tests come back normal. My guess is the same as VB, he may just be dealing with grief still at losing Matt. :( Poor bub.
Thinking of you both. xxxx I take it the piggies did well today? :)
Him being ill could simply be him suffering from the loss of Matt. Fiver was very, very poorly for months after we lost Ellie (his wifebun) and he didn't really recover until I bonded him with Xena. Since then he's only needed one dental and has had only one instance of tummy trouble. I felt awful getting another bun so soon after losing Ellie, but it's what Fiver needed.

I really hope whatever is wrong, is easily treatable. The fact that he seems back to his usual self all ready is a good sign. x

i think losing matt would have taken a huge toll on him aswell :( he has been happy lately but i suppose as time goes on he might become more lonely? :? i hope not. someone is always with him but i suppose it isn't the same. :(

I'm just seeing this now, I'm so sorry Bisc had to go into the vet today. But I'm glad he's back home now and doing okay. (((((((((Vibes))))))))))
I notice all sorts of things like bad poos to sudden moulting when my buns get stressed by a vet trip. I'm sure Bisc will be back to himself completely very soon.
Sending vibes and prayers that the tests come back normal. My guess is the same as VB, he may just be dealing with grief still at losing Matt. :( Poor bub.
Thinking of you both. xxxx I take it the piggies did well today? :)

thanks. he's not 100% today. probably tired from a big day yesterday. i think the journey on his own and staying on his own, aswell as remembering what happened last time must have been alot for him to deal with. i felt awful but he needed checking over. i hope the tests come back clear or with something treatable. if they're clear then i guess it's 'just' grief.

yes, the piggies are fine thank you. :D x
the vet left me a message to say that both bisc's EC test results came back negative. so he isn't a carrier and has no active infection. so we can forget about EC being the cause of anything.

he then said it's probably best if i ring him back though and he didn't mention the full blood count that he did. :? hope there isn't anything and he just knows i like to go through things in detail. will find out tomorrow anyway. hope there isn't anything showing.

glad bisc has no EC though anyway.

spoken to the vets ( i rang! :shock: very proud about that :oops:) .. anyway, the vet isn't in today but the receptionist checked bisc's file and it mentioned the EC results being negative but for the full blood count it just said 'no medication needed' :? she said it might mean it was clear or that they are still waiting on further details for some reason or other, so she's leaving a message with the vet for me and he is ringing me back tomorrow when he's back in.

hopefully he just started to leave the message and then thought it would be better if we went through it and see where to go next, rather than explaining it all on a message. he know i need to hear him say everything and explain usually :oops:

here's hoping it means everything was clear. it will be really strange if it is though because i wonder why bisc's tail has slanted? :?
Well now, that's good news that there appears to be no news, hm? :)
I hope all his tests come back normal. And I suppose his tail changing shape like that could just be normal aging. I find that as my bunnies get older things start to curve and sag, just like they do on us. :?
How old is Bisc? I think you told me once but I can't recall for certain. (Too many bunnies on here to keep track of...I'm going to have to make a chart! :lol: )
Well now, that's good news that there appears to be no news, hm? :)
I hope all his tests come back normal. And I suppose his tail changing shape like that could just be normal aging. I find that as my bunnies get older things start to curve and sag, just like they do on us. :?
How old is Bisc? I think you told me once but I can't recall for certain. (Too many bunnies on here to keep track of...I'm going to have to make a chart! :lol: )

bisc is 7 years 4 months ish now so is getting older. maybe it is just down to his age now. i'll relax a bit if i know all the tests didn't show anything. he seems ok anyway. :love:
Sounds positive. :love: No idea what a slanting tail means, hopefully it means nothing or you never noticed it slanting before.

vet said it's usually related to something with the spine, usually arthritis. and if not anything like that, then usually something neurological (is that the word? :?) something like EC anyway.

i thought i noticed something with his tail a while back but then it would look normal again. :? the vet turned lifted him to see and it was quite slanted then. :?

i spoke too soon about bisc being ok aswell - he's been sneezing and snuffling, more than i've heard in a very long time. :( he has been under alot of stress lately so it seems to be taking it's toll today. or something else is bothering him. i don't know. he was fine and then now he's not right again. :(

at least if we can't find a reason for his tail, at least he has had a full blood count done so we can rule anything out that way.

just watching him now and he's quite bunged up actually for him. i hope his snuffles don't get worse after all this time being stable. :cry:
I didn't know it could mean arthritis.

Mr B has been sneezing too, after not sneezing for months. I wonder if its the change in weather and the beginning of autumn and the pollen count is high. There are a lot of people with hay fever and I get sneezing fits at night thinking I have a cold but wake up fine.

Hopefully the sneezing and snuffles will pass in a few weeks.
I didn't know it could mean arthritis.

Mr B has been sneezing too, after not sneezing for months. I wonder if its the change in weather and the beginning of autumn and the pollen count is high. There are a lot of people with hay fever and I get sneezing fits at night thinking I have a cold but wake up fine.

Hopefully the sneezing and snuffles will pass in a few weeks.

it probably is to be honest. he always gets more snuffly when the weather starts to get alot colder. he's been nebulised and done some big sneezes so hopefully that will help. will try and keep his spirits up today :love:
sorry if this is a bit vague but our phone signals here are so bad and i could hardly hear the vet and the phone was cutting off. :evil:

all bisc's tests are fine except the white blood cell count, which is low. he said something about testing on a smear and it looking fine. :? so one test said low white cells, one test said they were fine.. i think. :?

he said something about another blood test for free but i don't know if he meant soon, or if things still don't seem right, because he was saying to keep an eye on bisc and keep a close eye on his weight, because he has already lost some, and if he loses more then that could be the first sign that something is 'slightly off' and then we can repeat tests again.

he also mentioned something about clotting aswell. :?

does anyone have any thoughts about all this? could it be chronic stress related to losing matt possibly? or something else possibly going on? last time bisc had issues with blood counts etc was when he was anaemic and it was dental related, but that has been ruled out.

i might try ringing back tomorrow again to see if i can hear any better. :roll:
Really sorry I don't know but hope that you get a better answer tomorrow. I don't think it sounds like anything to worry about.