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Binky ... emergency surgery ... He's gone. p128 PM results

He's through the op. Frances has just rung me to explain. It really isn't good news, he's a very poorly rabbit and she rates his chances of recovery at less than 50:50.

So, the explanation re the blood glucose reading. Frances believes that he has poor gut mobility. Possibly he has diverticulitis, histology is not really an option with rabbits as too invasive. So Heather didn't find a blockage as such which is why it didn't show as a high blood glucose reading as it didn't cause the physiological stress that would be expected if there was a blockage.

It's all been moved along to resolve the situation but given what's been found the prognosis isn't great, even if he does survive, as there's a likelihood it will happen again. One tiny glimmer of light, if he does get through this, I'd been later feeding him greens that night and it seems he filled up on hay which possibly doesn't move through as well for him. so maybe if I feed him a lot of green food I might be able to maintain his condition for while.

I don't think Frances is expecting him to pull through though. :(
I'm sorry it's not better news. But at least you know now - and you've already been keeping him going for as long as you've had him - surely that suggests all isn't lost?
Sending lots of vibes that he recovers from the op.
I'm sorry it's not better news. But at least you know now - and you've already been keeping him going for as long as you've had him - surely that suggests all isn't lost?
Sending lots of vibes that he recovers from the op.

Yes, Frances did say she felt she was painting a very gloomy picture but needed to be sure I was prepared for the worst. So, maybe I focused on that too much, if he does get through this it might not be as bad as I'm currently thinking.
At least he is through the surgery which is great news. Just one step at a time I guess. Huge vibes for Binky - he sounds to be a strong little fighter so there is always hope.xxx
Sorry to hear its not great news but well done Binky for getting over this hurdle. I'm rooting for you all. Get Well little man
Sending masses of healing and good vibes.

I hope he feels he can fight his way back to health. So pleased you have FHB on the case x
He's still with us and aware of his surroundings, sat up, not completely flat. Not showing interest in food but I'm not really expecting that for 24 hours or so anyway. Though this wasn't blockage surgery, I know the first couple of hours are a milestone so assuming same here, and I think it was about midday when I spoke to Frances so it's about 6 hours since surgery finished...
I'm so sorry to hear that Binky is dealing with such dire health issues. I hope he can recover. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. ((((((((Huge Hugs))))))))) xxxxxxx
He's making good progress so far if he's looking brighter . Good for Binky, keep on fighting little fella x