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Abcess Question


New Kit
I really really hate signing up to a forum and being so demanding right away... but I was pointed in the direction of this forum with a problem I have.:? Been visiting the website for a long while now but never thought to look at the forums.

I hope someone can help, my 4 month old male rabbit has developed a kind of fluid filled abcess on his hip. It's about an inch in diameter, and feels quite doughy.

I've searched this place and found some VERY useful information about abcesses but I do have a couple of quick questions that I can't find the answers to anywhere.

I'm GUESSING it's an abcess, he doesn't seem bothered by it in the slightest, but there doesn't seem to be any break in the skin, and I can't recall one being there, which is a bit puzzling. Can they be caused by any internal trauma?

I really don't want to sound heartless, but he's booked in for neutering at the end of August. I'm guessing this is a yes, but do abcesses progress much after they make an initial appearance...? As in, is it a stupid idea to bring the neuter forward a month and sort the abcess out then as well? See, it still would be 4 or 5 weeks from now. Is septicemia a worry?

And the other question is... How much (a rough estimate for antibiotics/lancing or operating etc, through personal experience or otherwise!) does this sort of thing cost to sort out? I know different vets charge differently but ANY rough estimate from experience is really helpful. He's my only rabbit, so I thought rather than insure him and have to pay the bulk of most bills with the excess anyway I'd just put money aside for it. But I've only had about a month and a half of that what with him being so young! (Regrettable, in hindsight, especially since all my dogs are insured and I can't remember the last claim I made for them :p ) Just wondering how much money I'm going to have to find! It will get sorted, it's amazing how quickly we get attatched to these furry things.:lol:

Rest assured I will be asking my vet what they think tomorrow, but I'm really curious and would be really grateful to hear anyone else's input.

Thank you so much in advance and I'm really sorry this had to be my first post and that it took this to make me register.:p

Sadly Rabbit abscesses are often a more serious issue than abscesses in other species :cry: They can progress quickly and are frequently difficult to treat. Surgery to excise the entire abscess capsule is necessary along with aggressive antibiotic therapy. Although despite all this the abscess may not be cured or may recur :cry:
Yes, internal abscesses can spontaneously occur, sometimes as a result of Pasteurellosis.

IF your Bun does have an abscess then immediate surgical intervention and abx therapy is required. The choice of abx should be made based on the results of culture and sensitivity testing of a swab taken from the wall of the abscess. Just taking pus on the swab is useless as Rabbit pus is often sterile.

As for the cost, well Vets fees vary widely. You'd be looking at a Consultation fee, a GA, a 'Surgical Proceedure Fee' + any medication required and a Lab fee for the Swab- MC+S
I would set aside at least £200 to start with.

Hopefully your Vet will be able to shed some light on what the swelling on your Bun is

Good Luck

Janex :)
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abscess. Just taking pus on the swab is useless as Rabbit pus is often sterile.

Janex :)

That would explain why the lab results for Maa's abscess came back as 'no bacteria' then - the vet was puzzled and we decided on metronidazole anyway, since that had cured her first abscess.

PlasM, your rabbit (does he have a name?) might need metronidazole too, as it acts on anaerobic bacteria that you find in an internal source abscess - Baytril just didn't touch Maa's abscess at all, so it's worth having the tests and suggesting metronidazole to your vet - only 7 days course of tablets, plus having the abscess cleaned out, and Maa was better, over a year ago now. I ground up the tablets and mixed with a few pellets, mushed up in water. Hope your boy gets well soon - let us know :)
Hi and welcome to the forum! Abcesses in buns can be serious but they are relatively simple to treat. Effie had one recently and she too had no trauma near the area but it turned out that she had a small nick about 2" away and the large abcess that I found was actually a seconday one to the smaller one that had formed by the nick. The vets cut out both the abcesses and packed the larger one with antibiotics and I had to take Effie back every other day for more packing and she was on oral antis for a week. She pulled through fine and like Jane said vets fees vary widely but I think the initial op cost £53 and then the following two visits about £16 each so £85 total. (The abcess healed really well, the vet was expecting to have to see her more than twice following so the cost could have been greater)
Bit late I know but it might be worth inquiring at the vets cos some do free adult bunny insurance for a month (baby bun for 6weeks) which might be worth taking up :D
Thank you everyone, those replies were all very useful.:)
I went to ask the vet nurse about it today when I settled another bill with them, she said to just keep an eye on it and note any change. She doesn't seem to think it's an abcess because I said it felt "fluidy" and she said they're normally firm.

elve, whoops, yes. His name is Zapp.:p Thank you all so much for your help! I'll keep you updated if anything changes, if only because someone else may have the same questions one day. But right now I just have a constant puzzled look at him and I'm hoping it'll somehow go away by itself.:? Thanks everyone!