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A Horror story for Halloween ....(dont read if upset easily )update post 38

I read one sentence that was enough. :evil::evil::evil: Makes me so bloody angry. At least Patrick is safe with you now. What a gorgeous boy. Can these people be caught or action taken against them. Sorry just couldn't read it all.
I read one sentence that was enough. :evil::evil::evil: Makes me so bloody angry. At least Patrick is safe with you now. What a gorgeous boy. Can these people be caught or action taken against them. Sorry just couldn't read it all.

unfortunatly no one saw it happen ... the rspca vet came to the conclusion of what must have happened going by his injuries .
This is so dreadful. :cry: So glad that Patrick is now safe with you and can begin to live a happy life. I hope he recovers quickly from his injuries.
Heartbreaking. Oh what must have been going through his beautiful little head :cry:

Sending lots of gentle cuddles and noserubs to Patrick Pumpkin, thank god he was found and is now safe xxx
Wish I knew who done it as I would love to kick them in the teeth and see how they like it. :evil:
I am not a violent person but animal cruelty makes my blood boil!
Should of read warning ..

Bless you little man, nobody will hurt you again now your at barc your safe. Xx
Some people are seriously sick in the head and need to be PTS!!!

He's lovely, many vibes for getting well soon :love::love:
Oooooh Patrick :( Such a lovely bun too!!

Some people can be so vile, I just don't understand why they harm animals! It's nice to know he is in good hands now!!
I'm horrified that someone did that to him :( poor baby.
Sending so many vibes for him to hey better, please give him noserubs from me xxx