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Lord H is Very Sick :-(-U/D 28th Oct Coping OK at the Moment

Lord H is doing better this morning. He's such a dear lad and so good about being prodded with needles every day. Thank you all for your support, I do find it difficult to cope with all the worry on my own and I dont like to keep leaning on C for support xx
So sorry I have missed this, I have not been online until this morning. Sending Lord H trillions of special healing vibes and supportive hugs for you, Jane. Hope he continues to improve. xxx
Good news that Lord H is improving. :D Long may it continue.
I hope he is back to himself very very soon. ((((((((((((Many healing vibes)))))))))))) xxxx
Lord H is doing better this morning. He's such a dear lad and so good about being prodded with needles every day. Thank you all for your support, I do find it difficult to cope with all the worry on my own and I dont like to keep leaning on C for support xx
Glad to hear he's doing a bit better.x

There is nothing worse than seeing a poorly bunny. I know whenever mine haven't been well I worry soo much!

You're more than deserving of support. You're always here for everyone else!x

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Lord H is doing better this morning. He's such a dear lad and so good about being prodded with needles every day. Thank you all for your support, I do find it difficult to cope with all the worry on my own and I dont like to keep leaning on C for support xx

I'm so glad Lord H is feeling a bit better :) and I totally empathise, I also find it difficult to cope with the stress of poorly bunnies by myself. I hope you are also feeling better today xx