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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

need to contact vets?? UPDATE


Mama Doe
Dobbin was supposed to finish his antibiotics today but it turns out we have another dose of antibiotics in there - well he was on 0.5ml a day and there is 0.4 left! Anyway he is still sneezing and have just noticed that when he is eating he is making a grunting noise - never heard this before. Please help, what does this mean?

If hes not made this noise before then he could have a blocked nose, and eating is hard to do with a blocked nose if your mouths full. See how he goes. If youve got a little batril left give it to him. val
It does sound as if he needs to go back to the vets, sadly. Sometimes it takes a much longer course of antibiotics to clear the most resistant bacteria in the infection, or perhaps your vet will try a different type of antibiotic if this one doesn't seem to have done a lot. There are a few different ones which can be tried for this sort of infection. The noise while he's eating probably means that he has a bit of a blocked nose and because he is trying to eat and breathe at the same time, it creates a bit of noise much like when you have a cold. These upper respiratory infections can be quite difficult to clear unfortunately.

Hope Dobbin gets better soon xx
Thank you

He will be ok though wont he?

I dont have any of that - is there anything else i can do?!

I'm really interested in this - as 'honking' or 'squeaking' and sneezes are exactly the symptoms Tuesday has... Vet reckons it's been brought on from the move here (stress).

He was given Engemycin on Tues, and is booked in for the vet to see him again tomorrow morning (he's still sneezing)
Orlaith has Snuffles too.
She failed to respond to the first course of antibiotic (Septrin) and so is now on Penicillin Injections.

Within 24 hours of first injection Orlaith's symptoms have disappeared.
She is also on BISOLVON to thin out the mucus.

Snuffles is notoriously difficult to CURE but the symptoms can be treated successfully. Baytril is seldom of any use at all.

went to vets this morning - we have to go back every day for the next seven for daily injections! He is fine in himself, i am worried though, we are currently in the lounge with him. He is eating and is now sleeping.

If the injections dont work the vet was talking about giving him a GA and doing further investigation on his teeth, but he thinks Dobbin is to young for the main problem to be teeth. I am worried abut him, we are hoping to move him into his new accomadation today.

Dobbin said:
went to vets this morning - we have to go back every day for the next seven for daily injections! He is fine in himself, i am worried though, we are currently in the lounge with him. He is eating and is now sleeping.

If the injections dont work the vet was talking about giving him a GA and doing further investigation on his teeth, but he thinks Dobbin is to young for the main problem to be teeth. I am worried abut him, we are hoping to move him into his new accomadation today.


To be honest whilst he is on treatment for active Snuffles I would avoid changing his living accomodation. Although it will be lovely for him to move into it eventually any change of environment is stressful for a Bunny. Stress exacerbates Snuffles.
This is just MY opinion and I guess many people may think I am being over-cautious. But if he were my Bun I would not make any changes to his routine or accomodation until he is symptom free.

It sounds like he is on a Penicillin type drug now. My Vet always advises giving Buns on Penicillin Injections a probiotic in their drinking water to try to maintain their good gut bacteria.

Hope Dobbin will so be symptom free.

thanks jane

We wont move him out until he is better then. I will also try and get some probiotic - what will that do? do i need to use a lot? The vet said the injections may give him the runs the probiotic wont make it any worse will it?

Is it penicillin injections?
If so the probiotics will stop him getting the runs
Wont the vets let you inject him at home? Alfie has been on penicillin injections since june for a absess i inject him at home as he hates going the vets,it really stresses him out
Antibiotics can kill off some of the 'good' bacteria in rabbits' guts while they work to get rid of the 'bad' bacteria. Although this is less likely if the antibiotic is injected. Probiotics are basically a packet full of good bacteria which you add to food/water and which are useful to boost the supply of 'good' bacteria while he's on the antibiotics.

I seem to recall your vet was charging you a fortune for injections last time - if it's the same this time it might be worth asking if they will do you a reduced consultation rate as it's not a full consultation you are having every day. I think I said before, my vets don't charge consultation fees if your animal is just having an injection or similar.

Good luck, please try not to panic (easier said than done I know!) Hopefully little Dobbin will be right as rain very soon.

Alison xx
For probiotics try here: http://www.noahs-cupboard.co.uk/detail.asp?catno=4&pnum=A2A4Z

My bridge bunny Zeus was on injectable penicillin, because the specialists were so far I got them to pre-load syringes and gave him the injections myself at home! The addition of probiotics is recommended and also cut down on his pellets if possible to force him to eat more hay, if he isn't eating hay add fresh grass daily to ensure he has a lot of roughage to keep the gut moving properly.
