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Should a kidney feel prominent?


Mama Doe
A few weeks ago I felt a lump on Leo my bunny, he was undergoing treatment for snuffles so I mentioned it during a vets visit and she said it was his kidney and that it was prominent as he had lost weight (he had lost a bit of weight) vet said not to worry about it.

He's since stopped snuffling as much and seems a lot better on the snuffles front and his eye infection has also cleared up.

He had regained a bit of weight and has been eating and drinking not as much as before he was ill.

Now I can still feel this lump/kidney in fact I wonder if it's a little bigger it also feels in 2 at times when I feel it.

Leo has been on and off antibiotics for about 6 weeks now, he also has arthritis so takes metacam.

I'm sure a vet is correct but I still worry, I'm due to take him for a check up but not arranged that yet, think I'll book in with the senior vet see what he thinks. I'm just worried about the risk of kidney issues/failure as he has had a lot of antibiotics and metacam recently.

He's around 15 now and keeps getting ill, his health has gone downhill in past 18 months, I'd not want any invasive tests for him and vets said he'd not want to risk GA on Leo now, he's to healthy enough and too old for some tests.

I will go to the vets next week but hope its just me being over worried as usual.

Could be in for a rough patch soon as noticed when removing a few dried on droppings today from his rear end that his fur is getting ready to start the dreaded moult which over the past years has been a long moulting spell that sees him go very hormonal and depressed, so I dread the moult each year!

Thanks in advance for any replies - this elderly bunny of mine is causing me a lot of stress and worry the last year!
I hope your bun is well again soon!!!:D15 is an old age.(didnt know they got that old! but then one rabbit once lived to be eighteen!):D
When my bunnies had GI stasis, They had a lump(big) In their sides, it was the impacted food. It might not be the case in your bunny, but thats what it reminds me of.
I hope your bunny is all right!:D
He seems to be eating and drinking ok - he has fresh water every morning so I can visually monitor what hes having maybe I should start recording better how much he has a day.

He has a rear end check twice a day - he does sometimes get a bit messy as he can find it tricky if his arthritis plays him up but it's not too bad, he had few dry droppings stuck on his bum today which I removed and checked and they seemed normal.

He's not got many teeth left now but eats well and had put most of the weight he lost with being ill back on again but is a long slim bunny.

I'll book him in with the vet next week and finish work Tuesday until end of the month so will be about more to keep an eye on him.

Will refresh my knowledge of GI statis, he had probiotics when he had his antibiotics.

Seems one thing after another with the poor chap now!
Where is the lump located? I'm only asking because I'm feeling something inside Bella too, at first I thought tumour as she's not spayed but now I'm not so sure. She's been weeing a tad more than usual lately and I'm wondering if there's a connection :?
If he's sat on my lap facing away from me it's on his right hand side but my biologys not good, I'm only saying kidney as the vet said its his kidney! This was a recently qualified vet but she knows her stuff. I'll book to see the senior vet as he knows Leo and is an exotics vet and is the only vet there who can do dentals without sedation and Leo likes him as in the vet is good at holding Leo and Leo knows he's boss when he's in the surgery!

I'd not be keen on lots of invasive tests for Leo age/ health wise but need it checking again to put my mind at rest!

Hope Bella is ok.
Ok, I see. Bella's "lump" is to the left. I can only feel it from the side, if I rub her actual belly there's nothing. My biology isn't good either so I have no clue what it is I might be feeling.

Thanks, she seems fine in herself, eating lots etc. but the weeing concerns me, I put it down to hormones but I'm wondering if there's something else going on.
It's a worry I know, have you got a bunny savvy vet nearby?

One of my guineas Melvin has loads of lumps - had a fine needle biopsy but just fatty lumps he's not bothered by them and has more now but he's very healthy and chunky weight and will always have them.

Hope things go ok.
I have one fairly bunny savvy vet 50 minutes away but I think she's gone on holiday or something, can't reach her by phone or email :roll: There's another amazing one 2 hours away which I often phone for advice so might have to do that unless my more local one gets back to me soon. They're always super busy but it's worth a shot!