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Brilliant News For Crackerjack


Wise Old Thumper
Some of you will know this rabbit has VERY narrowly escaped death twice and has not been eating for the last 5 days

Well last night..well 2 in the morning actually!..he ate a small piece of apple..I had thought he had nibbled greens previously but he had only nibbled ..not swallowed them..but the apple went down

and this morning he ate a bit more apple..then tonight he obviously wanted to stop being a pin cushion cos he ate some chopped cauli leaves, and grass..here he is chewing:D


then he decided to eat some Heygates pellets..you can see the other things he's been offered and refused


now just to get Angie eating!
That is fantastic news! So pleased for you! It's been five days for Robert today, too. No eating yet though. Here's hoping soon!

I bet you are so thrilled! :)
Very strange as despite not eating anything he was offered he suddenly got lively..so pleased as he is a lovely bun

The power of love and care Jill. Well done for both. I truly believe that it can make a real difference to some buns. They know when they are safe and cared for.
The news of the 'cone of shame' in your possession has obviously reached him! :lol::lol:

Angie: No, weeelly, Cwackerjack, if uus donts eats your teas she'lls putz this fing wite wound your neck...

Well done Crackerjack!