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Gabriel ill :o( U/D he's gone


Warren Veteran
Woke up this morning and he was sitting hunched and wouldn't move. Took him to vet and his stomach is full of food but nothing passing. He's had pain relief and gut stimulant and I've been given lectade to syringe every 2 hours.

I have to go out for a couple of hours.... hope my boy will be ok :cry:

Anyone know why he would just go into stasis? No reason me or the vet could see????
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I don't have the answer - Rudy has had four similar episodes since October and I have no idea why either.

I hope he goes on okay and also that he and Daisy remain okay together.
Sending get well vibes for Gabe. Maybe he's been grooming Daisy lots? I know mine are all moulting at the moment. x
Thanks, am home now and given him his fluids - then Daisy attacked him! She did this last time too :cry: I'm trying not to separate them so we are all sitting on the landing.

I'm really quite worried about Gabe he's been tooth grinding since the attack and looks really uncomfortable :cry:

Please send poo vibes x
Lola had this and its really distressing for bun and also bun owner. One minute Lola resembled a dead bunny, so much so I was praying for her, within hours of being syringe fed she was bouncing about, lots of vibes for Gabriel, come on bunny DO SOME POO! x x

PS Julia, how much is your Daisy like my Lucy! :shock:
Poor Bun :cry:
If he is tooth grinding then IMO he needs more pain relief. If he's already had Metacam then there are other types of analgesia that the Vet can also give.

Sending vibes for him

He's stopped tooth grinding - think it was the stress of Daisy attacking him. He's sitting quietly in his litter tray and she is in the one next to him.

I can hear gut sounds but still nothing coming out. How long should it take for the Metaclop to start having an effect?

Does pineapple juice count as food or fluids?

I'm hoping I can get someone to go to the shops for me while I watch them, I think the pinapple may help but I've been told fluids only as his tummy is full.
He's stopped tooth grinding - think it was the stress of Daisy attacking him. He's sitting quietly in his litter tray and she is in the one next to him.

I can hear gut sounds but still nothing coming out. How long should it take for the Metaclop to start having an effect?

Does pineapple juice count as food or fluids?

I'm hoping I can get someone to go to the shops for me while I watch them, I think the pinapple may help but I've been told fluids only as his tummy is full.

Please dont give Pineapple Juice. It is full of sugar which will only serve to encourage the growth of 'bad' gut bacteria, especially if he already has lots of ingesta in his intestines. The Lectade is all that should be given until something starts moving. Metoclopromide doses often need to be given every 6 hours. I find Ranitidine to be extremely helpful as part of the treatment of GI stasis. It is not only an anti GI ulcer med but it also increases the rate of gastric emptying.
Oh poor Gabriel - sending lots more vibes for him, especially poo vibes - some on little man get better soon for your mummy xxx
Gabriel is still very very quiet, I have called the vet and they have given the ok for me to give him more Metacam & Metaclop. I was just giving him gentle tummy rub and noticed he had done a strange poo - a large mass of round poos and sticky poo all together - had a look - no hair or mucos in it.

Is that a good or bad sign????
Gabriel is still very very quiet, I have called the vet and they have given the ok for me to give him more Metacam & Metaclop. I was just giving him gentle tummy rub and noticed he had done a strange poo - a large mass of round poos and sticky poo all together - had a look - no hair or mucos in it.

Is that a good or bad sign????

Better out than in :)
Better out than in :)

Phew! Thats what I had hoped!! Been doing more gentle rubs but he bolts after a while and have noticed a few small gritty poos - he' still hunched but I think we may be getting somewhere!

Edit - or maybe not - just had a look at him and he has a mucky bum now :cry:
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I'm really scared I'm losing my boy :cry: he is lifeless with his chin on the floor, he tries to move every now and again but is unsteady on his feet :cry::cry:

I've been to the vet this morning and she said the food has now gone through his stomach but he has a temperature. He's a Baytril jab and prescribed recovery - but I can't get him to swallow anything -he's holding it in his mouth.

I gave him 2 drops of Metacam at 5am but think he may not have ingested it.

I've called the vet and am taking him in at 1.30pm for a Metacam jab.... I'm just so scared.....:cry::cry:
I'm really scared I'm losing my boy :cry: he is lifeless with his chin on the floor, he tries to move every now and again but is unsteady on his feet :cry::cry:

I've been to the vet this morning and she said the food has now gone through his stomach but he has a temperature. He's a Baytril jab and prescribed recovery - but I can't get him to swallow anything -he's holding it in his mouth.

I gave him 2 drops of Metacam at 5am but think he may not have ingested it.

I've called the vet and am taking him in at 1.30pm for a Metacam jab.... I'm just so scared.....:cry::cry:

Oh no Julia :cry:

Can the Vet admit him and get an IV line into him. Oral meds will be pretty useless if he is so poorly :cry:
If the Vet can get IV fluids and meds into him he may stabalise. I cannot stress enough what a difference ongoing fluid therapy can make.
Sending millions of vibes for him.