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Amber - fun indoors. With many pictures!

casu consulto

Mama Doe
So the other day the weather was appalling - either proper rain, or that fine stuff. And the bunnies could not go out, so we brought them into the hallway and let them play for 3-4 hours. I don't have as many photos of Amber, as I do of Barney, 'cos i've had him a year more. So I decided to take a few of her (and a couple of Barney, so he didn't feel left out...). And now I want to share. ^^;


Amber, appreciating the grass I went out into the wet to gather up for the two little monsters... They ended up scattering this everywhere and scrunching up the paper it was so neatly placed upon.


See? and making that mess was obviously tiring so she had to take a break and rest for a few moments.


We'd kept the stairs blocked off prior to this, 'cos we wanted her and Barney to interact - and usually, he just vanished upstairs to lie on the landing or tear at my sister's wallpaper. :oops: She only reached the fourth stair, then her act of bravery vanished.


In the meantime, eager to impress, Barney was showing off his jumping skills and acting as King of the Castle...


But Amber was playing hard to get, and came to flop by me, pretending not to notice his macho act...


Until he flung himself off and his claws scraped against the cardboard and startled her. I didn't think she'd be impressed or appreciative of the fright, but...


It seemed to work, and Barney got his snuggle.


Barney, looking rather pleased with himself.


And, finally, Amber nibbling on a chunk of papaya. Barney kept nipping at her nose, so she had had to race down the hall to eat this beside me so his ungentlemanly behaviour could be disuaded.
Aw so lovely! They are real cuties :D I sympathise with the grass scattering. I bought a willow basket to put hay in for when my bun was out of his cage. What was the first thing he did? Picked it up and threw it... hay everywhere! :lol: