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Wood based cat litter


New Kit
Right, I have bought some of this to try to (maybe;)) stop my girlie from chucking all her litter all over the place...:) I have also bought a couple of new litter trays from PAH, the ones with a sort of clip on rim which I though might help too.
My question is... Should I just put the cat litter in and then hay, or does it need Megazorb or wood shavings put on top..?

Thanks for any help...:D
I use a fine layer of hay, then wood pellet litter, then I put hay at one side of the litter tray for eating :)

Also works well with some newspaper underneath. I found that with just the pellets the litter slipped about the tray a wee bit....until it got a bit wet anyways :)
Just to add.... I have Wood shavings, Megazorb, Straw, Hay, Newspaper and Carefresh available...

I know people say not to use wood shavings for buns, but I would be tempted to use them below the litter to try to use up what I had about....In fact I would just use any of it under the litter. I have tried Megazorb before just on it's own but I found it got everywhere in the house!
Having gone to megazorb shortly after getting Mrs, I use it in litter trays only with newspaper.The rest of the hutch gets newspaper and loads of hay.
I now use just newspaper and hay but I used to use wood cat litter and put some inbetween the paper and the hay.