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Which hay is this?

Toffs and Pebbs

Warren Scout
Hi all

We bought this hay from our usual place, not knowing it was different, and I know it isn't Timothy hay because it has a different packet. It doesn't say what it is, could anyone identify it please.



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It looks like chopped and compressed Meadow Hay to me. It's perfectly fine and you'll just need to see if it's "acceptable" to your rabbits :)
It looks like chopped and compressed Meadow Hay to me. It's perfectly fine and you'll just need to see if it's "acceptable" to your rabbits :)

Thanks I have popped it in and I do hope that they like it!! :)

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I've had PAH hay before and it's been perfectly acceptable to the buns :D

Let me know how they like it, as packs can vary throughout the year (as a natural product) x