We said goodbye to Archie on friday


Mama Doe
I've not written anything in this section before. 🥹.

We had to say goodbye to Archie on Friday, his body decided it was time. It was truly horrid and we are both distraught that our boy is gone. He never quite got over his chest infection and I now believe he had something underlying that was more serious that he hid from us and the vet. He deterioted suddenly Friday daytime. He was still his boisterous self right until the end, but I think he knew it was nearly time, because he sat on my legs a few days before. He never sat on us once in 9 years.... unless we had treats of course.

He was a teeny bun, but had the biggest personality and he will be forever missed. He had such character and loved to be chased around the house and jump on my face if I slept on the sofa. We will miss his binkies on his colourful squares and him chasing us into the kitchen and his gorgeous face. But I am glad that we had 9 wonderful years with his smooshy face and I know in time I will smile and laugh at all his antics. But right now we just miss him.

Thank you to everyone who has ever helped with one of my health queries and enjoyed watching videos of him in the past.

We still have Pip, who is missing her husbun and so we are spending as much time as we can to try to ease her pain.

I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost Archie, he certainly was a handsome bun, and sounded a real character. Sweet dreams little bunny xx and nose rubs for Pip xx
Oh goodness, I am so sad to read this ☹️ He was such a cute little chap and he obviously had a big character. I am sure you will miss him very, very much 😢

RIP Archie ❤️🌈❤️
Big hugs to you and Pip. I will miss seeing photos of his cute face and those tiny ears, and hearing stories about the tiny bun with the big personality. RIP Archie.❤️❤️
Thanks everyone. I do believe he hung on aslong as he could. But I'm glad we were able to help him pass peacefully on and we were both there for him even though it was a hard decision to make I know deep down it was his time. It's hit my partner very hard, he never wanted bunnies but fell in love with Archie straight away and wanted him to live forever. I've never seen him so upset.
It is lovely that your partner loved Archie too. Archie was fortunate to have been blessed with two living humans and a loving wife bun. Sending you extra hugs to help your partner as you deal with the loss yourself. I hope knowing it was the best thing for Archie will help your partner cope with the loss.
I'm so sorry to hear your really sad news. I won't forget Archie, he was such a funny bunny - I remember up stairs & through bannisters videos & the squares too. I'm pleased you had Archie for a long time though, & he was on good form right til the end. Sleep tight little man xx Nose bumps for wee Pip
Thanks everyone. It means so much to me that you remember him and that he brought others joy. He was well loved at our vets too. Most of the vet nurses wanted to take him home with them. Hahaha.

We are trying to concentrate on Pip and give her more attention. She's been quite skittish and hiding in the castle where he last lay and this has made us sad because we know she is mourning him too. She's not eating much either, so keeping a watchful eye on her. We always thought she wasn't that fussed by him, she certainly never showed it. But she obviously loved him too.

Hopefully we can remember the good times in time and I can share more wonderful stories and photos of our cheeky monkey.
What a gorgeous boy he was. Sending hugs to you and Pip. I've recently been in a similar situation being left with one bun, it's tough at first but hopefully Pip will start to be less skittish soon.
Oh, I'm so very sad for you and your partner and Pip. I'm so, so sorry it was time to say goodbye to your cheeky, beloved boy. I hope the three of you can comfort each other. Sweet dreams, little Archie ❤️
Thanks. Sorry you are in the same position orenoko. Yes are hoping she settles soon, we are trying to comfort her as much as we can. My partner and I feel like we have lost a part of ourselves. The house feels so empty, it's weird isn't it. They don't make sound, other than hay munching but the house feels quieter.
I'm so sorry you've lost your handsome little chap. :cry:
Sweet dreams little Archie.
I've just read your post about the house feeling empty and I know exactly what you mean - yes, you have lost part of your family, which I know is indescribably painful. x