Water bowl tips


New Kit
I need some tips to get my rabbit to drink out of their water bowl. He has a bowl and a bottle but won’t touch the water in the bowl. I have tried adding his favourite greens to the bowl and a bit of juice flavouring but he always favours the water bottle.
Any tips?
Just leave the bowl(s) available. Maybe put a bowl under the bottle (catching the drips), and another somewhere else. Make sure they are filled to near the top, not just a small amount of water lower down - and refill daily.

Sometimes the type of bowl can make a difference. I tend to use the standard Mason Cash type porcelain dog / cat bowl ones with straight up sides. I've also got a similar shape in stainless steel (ie big coop cups that clip on to mesh), but they are more of a faff - they tend to get kicked around more and are a nuisance in winter when it's below zero. They can also get quite warm in this weather.
Yes I think the type of bowl can make a difference too, eg. the height of it. Some just hate getting themselves wet, and the position of their head when they are drinking will affect how wet they get. As well as trying it filled right up to the top, you could try also try something shallow.