What have you got under the vetbed? I used it for flooring once - big mistake for me (not saying it would be for you) because my buns found it 'soft' (and they understood soft surfaces to be toilets, for some reason) and when they wet it, the urine quickly soaked through and I couldn't see it... :shock:... and it was yucky to clean out. But doubtless other people would be on top of that and would realise it could happen.
What have you got under the vetbed? I used it for flooring once - big mistake for me (not saying it would be for you) because my buns found it 'soft' (and they understood soft surfaces to be toilets, for some reason) and when they wet it, the urine quickly soaked through and I couldn't see it... :shock:... and it was yucky to clean out. But doubtless other people would be on top of that and would realise it could happen.