• Forum/Server Upgrade If you are reading this you have made it to the upgraded forum. Posts made on the old forum after 26th October 2023 have not been transfered. Everything else should be here. If you find any issues please let us know.

Upgrade Bugs - Report Issues Here

Days Of slow loading pages

’oops we ran into a problem’ messages or not being able to get on at all

sometimes images won’t upload to be posted
Could it please be confirmed whether it is at all helpful for people to report these issues? I note that the question has been asked previously, but I can't find any response. Are these issues being raised with the tech people? Or have they in the past? If so, have they responded?

Using the forum on many days is difficult with the same issues happening as we have reported previously. If we also report those issues, this is usually a frustrating task in itself. I am happy to keep doing this, if it is going to be helpful and if it will lead to an improvement. However, if the end result is that this is 'just something we have to put up with', then I would prefer to know that.