Uncle Albert- My Gentle, Courageous, Wise Old Rabbit

Oh Jane, I am so terribly sorry. He obviously lived an extremely happy life with you and Cerys.
Binky free dear old uncle A.
Nicola x
What a moving tribute to Uncle A. You have the consolation of knowing that you had made his final years happy ones.

Love to you Jane.
Binky free Unky A.
You were both very lucky to have each other for 4 years.
Binky Free Uncle Albert. :cry:
He would want everyone to celebrate his life especially the 4 years he spent with you Jane :) ((hugs))
Awwwwwww Jane... the pic of Uncle A with the flower on his head :cry: :cry: . What a gorgeous old man, Binky Free Uncle Albert, you were a little fighter and we'll all miss you here at RU :(.

Hugs to you Jane.
Oh jane :cry: :cry: :cry: I think we have all been saddened by your news today :cry: Uncle A touched so many with his strong spirit. He will be missed :cry:
sending hugs to you xxxxx
Oh Jane, I am so sorry for your loss. Poor Uncle Albert, at least he doesn't have any pain anymore now. You took such good care of him, respect! Sending love and hugs.

Marije x
I have been a very fortunate teddy bear this last week as go to meet and stay with Uncle Albert. He was a very special bun and and Aunty Jane did all she could for him and more.
I want to give you a great big hug Aunty Jane and let you know I love you,and Uncle Albert told me he loved you very much and appreciated everything you did for him.
Roaming Rudyxxxxxx