

Mama Doe
Today I was cleaning out the rabbit hutch and I put the rabbits in a different run whilst I cleaned their hutch out and I left the hutch open while I went to fill up their water bowl, and I came back to find this:


Aw. :love:

The moral of that story, is to ALWAYS check the hutch before you put your bunnies back in. I had a cat and she only ever climbed into a hutch once and that time I didn't know, and put my bunny back, and it had tragic consequences.

Very cute in this form, just use it to make you aware :)
The first night we had out buns we put them in the huch because the run wasn't ready (we have the hutch inside the run) and i came downstairs to find a cat outside of the hutch:shock:
I was a iccle bit scared:shock:
The wabbits were ok though:)
Yeah I always check first :) I don't normally even leave the door open, I don't know why I did today. My cat is so weird :lol: