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Tifa got ear mites :(


Warren Scout

This was what I saw this morning feeding her. She is a lot better now after a trip to the vet but I'm worried it must have been a while if it's that sore. The weather in the south west has been shocking the last few days so I've been out with them less and they've been in the hutch more but I hadn't noticed any behavior changes at all; not even after spotting the problem. She's been eating and pooing normally and still is although she is holding her ear back a little since the vet cleaned her up but that's expected as I think she's a bit sore now.
How long does everyone think it might have been a problem for? I feel really bad that I didn't spot anything before she got like this but I've deep cleaned, steamed and disinfected the hutch and run and put all new hay and bedding down so hopefully they won't come back.

I think it might have been from the straw we'd been putting in their floor pot as she loves sitting in there but her brother who is mite free doesn't care for it. I've kept that out for now until I can put it through the dishwasher and put the straw in the bin.
I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, just wanted to say please don't blame yourself :shock:

I hope she's better soon :wave:
Wee soul, don't beat yourself up. You've seen them now and had treatment which is the important thing. I didn't change anything after treating Floppy's but they didn't come back. I wonder if that is just coincidence though. The vet said there is no reason for it sometimes.