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the bonding of Dash and Beauty

just a small update its day 8.
Dash and beauty are really getting on well, she is settling in well.
we have had lots of bunny 500 and binkies.
it's a big day tomorrow we are both at work all day and on thursday night they both get to go into the garden for the first time together.

They look very happy togeher, I can't imagine anything going wrong tomorrow. If the feeding is always a problem, maybe ensure they allways have plenty of hay then neither will go far wrong. Perhaps one of those cubes would help as they have to work harder to get at the bits, meaning you dont have to worry over the feeding as they will both be getting enough. You dont want to separate them every mealtime as that might be stressful. Hope they are ok tomorrow.
What cube is that?
We dont actually separate them they are still in the same area we just keep an eye on them and keep Beauty occupied while Dash finishes his food. But we are open to any options so if you can tell me the name of the cube we can have a look at that.
day 12 and its a big day for dash and beauty, there first visit into the garden for 30 mins.
It went well and we have few bunny 500, a nice flop from beauty and a very happy dash.
it took us 10 min to catch them as they did not want to come in after having so mutch fun.

please enjoy the photos there a lot.














Awww, great pics! :love: Looks like they had fun! :D

I think the cubes mentioned are the Excel feeding cubes. I think they're OK to feed along with plenty of hay, but not as a 'complete' diet as Excel recommends. I bought a box for my non-hay eating bun Peter, but he wouldn't touch them :roll:
Very pleased it is going so well. No, I had the impression you were separating them every feed time as that would be stressful.
Lovely pics. They look very happy together. Really interesting thread too - the timeline and how they behaved. :thumb:
hi just a update. the bond has gone really well, they have been introduced to all the downstairs of the house and back garden.

les, bev, and the 2 bunnies (dash & beauty)
hi we are into week 8 and the bond is going well, we are so happy that beauty and dash are so i love.
beauty has been giving bev bunny kisses for weeks now and she gave me 1 last nght for the first time.

The most importnat thing we have learnt from bonding it to bunny date before you bond, its save so much time and effort, allow you bun to choose his or her partner.

les, its almost 6am i am going back to bed.
hi we are into week 8 and the bond is going well, we are so happy that beauty and dash are so i love.
beauty has been giving bev bunny kisses for weeks now and she gave me 1 last nght for the first time.

The most importnat thing we have learnt from bonding it to bunny date before you bond, its save so much time and effort, allow you bun to choose his or her partner.

les, its almost 6am i am going back to bed.

Awww, bunny kisses! :love: So happy for them! :love:

Yes, I've had much more success with bunny dating than letting people just take a bun to try at home. :)