Super Hutch: User Feedback needed on £££££ pricing

Hi All

I have posted on here a couple of times and have gained some really valuable feedback for a university project i am working on- I am re-designing a rabbit hutch for my final year design project at Loughborough University. Any hoo I now need to get some feed back on the amount of money would be prepared to pay for a New Rabbit Hutch that has improved insluation, spacial layout (providing optimum space for plenty of hopping about) & weather protection for the Rabbit and improved cleaning-ability and overall aesthetics of the hutch for the carer

I am looking at making the hutch from a combination of natural hardwood (weather durable) and strong plastic (HDPE), with possibly having a grass/sedum roof and in built draws to aid cleaning. There will be multiple layers and surfaces for the rabbit to sniff and jump round in. The Hutch will be designed with the intention that an additional exercise run will be additionally needed so to allow daily exercise. The hutch will be primarily designed to stay outside all year round, but could be brought indoors if felt necessary. I expect the hutch to last a minimum of 10 years.

I know this is tricky, as you havent got any visuals to work from- im still desiging it as we speak- but any opinions on what youve spent before and what you would be prepared to spend would be great:

If it helps i have broken possible prices into brackets:

£50 - £100 £100 -£200 £200-300 £300-400 £400-£500 £500- £600 £600 +

Thanks very much, look forward to your response
Vikki :0)
200-300 max on a hutch, and even that is damn expensive.

Do you have any preliminary designs in digital format that you could put on for us to view even a base idea to give feedback before you go further with your project?
You could look at the Forsham Giant Hutch for comparison - or the Bunningtons that I have from them which are integrated hutch/run/shelters.
Is it just a hutch or a run too?
Hutch £200 tops
Hutch and run £300 tops

The built in draws in the trixie hutches don't work as the tray isnt deep at all, making the slide out tray pointless!
For a well built hutch with plenty of space and a big enough sleeping area I would pay between £200 and £250.
If there was a run attatched then I'd spend up to £350.
Depends on the size, do you have estimates yet?

edit: for me, I would be willing to pay up to an extra £50 over the price of standard hutches if the features really make life easier, and up to £20-30 extra for an aesthetically pleasing hutch, but for me its all about value for money - getting decent quality and a good size for as little as possible. I would go more space over looking nice and handy features anyday .

If it meets RWA standards I would spend 100-200 on the hutch, and 200-300 on a hutch-run combination.

edit: for me, I would be willing to pay up to an extra £50 over the price of standard hutches if the features really make life easier, and up to £20-30 extra for an aesthetically pleasing hutch, but for me its all about value for money - getting as much space and a decent quality for as little as possible.
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For a well planned design 1 would pay £200 - £300 if it's large enough for two buns and it has extra room i would pay £300 - £400.
Might take me a while to save up though:lol:
Hi Guys

Thanks for the feedback, really useful

In answer to some of the questions:

*Hutch will be designed for 2 medium sized buns

*Focus will be on the Hutch - the run will be considered but for the purpose of my projec just the Hutch

* Hutch will RWAF/RSPCA guidelines- to make it slightly more manageable space wise, I am thinking of splitting the size over 2 floors

Keep the feedback coming, its massively appreciated :0)

If you mean rwa full size including run over two floors then great that would be a good space- if you mean 6x2x2ft over two floors that would not be acceptable to us- i.e a 3ft x2ft double hutch.
If you mean rwa full size including run over two floors then great that would be a good space- if you mean 6x2x2ft over two floors that would not be acceptable to us- i.e a 3ft x2ft double hutch.

I was thinking this. A 4 foot double also wouldnt be acceptable. A 5 foot double some people might consider, but its not something I would put my rabbits in longterm.

I would however consider a hutch that isnt 6 foot wide if it was deeper, I would consider 4x4 for instance.
We paid about £200 for a 6ft double hutch (2ft deep), which was top of our budget.

The disadvantages of this hutch are:
- It weighs a ton and is extremely difficult for 2 people to move
- In our case, downstairs is used for the litter trays only, the buns like upstairs best
- Cleaning is perhaps a little more awkward, though we don't mind!

As the downstairs space is kind-of wasted, if/when this hutch is replaced I'd look for a large single hutch, and raise it to give a little extra run space underneath and retain the room with a view they so like!