Vikki_New Hutch Design
New Kit
Hi All
I have posted on here a couple of times and have gained some really valuable feedback for a university project i am working on- I am re-designing a rabbit hutch for my final year design project at Loughborough University. Any hoo I now need to get some feed back on the amount of money would be prepared to pay for a New Rabbit Hutch that has improved insluation, spacial layout (providing optimum space for plenty of hopping about) & weather protection for the Rabbit and improved cleaning-ability and overall aesthetics of the hutch for the carer
I am looking at making the hutch from a combination of natural hardwood (weather durable) and strong plastic (HDPE), with possibly having a grass/sedum roof and in built draws to aid cleaning. There will be multiple layers and surfaces for the rabbit to sniff and jump round in. The Hutch will be designed with the intention that an additional exercise run will be additionally needed so to allow daily exercise. The hutch will be primarily designed to stay outside all year round, but could be brought indoors if felt necessary. I expect the hutch to last a minimum of 10 years.
I know this is tricky, as you havent got any visuals to work from- im still desiging it as we speak- but any opinions on what youve spent before and what you would be prepared to spend would be great:
If it helps i have broken possible prices into brackets:
£50 - £100 £100 -£200 £200-300 £300-400 £400-£500 £500- £600 £600 +
Thanks very much, look forward to your response
Vikki :0)
I have posted on here a couple of times and have gained some really valuable feedback for a university project i am working on- I am re-designing a rabbit hutch for my final year design project at Loughborough University. Any hoo I now need to get some feed back on the amount of money would be prepared to pay for a New Rabbit Hutch that has improved insluation, spacial layout (providing optimum space for plenty of hopping about) & weather protection for the Rabbit and improved cleaning-ability and overall aesthetics of the hutch for the carer
I am looking at making the hutch from a combination of natural hardwood (weather durable) and strong plastic (HDPE), with possibly having a grass/sedum roof and in built draws to aid cleaning. There will be multiple layers and surfaces for the rabbit to sniff and jump round in. The Hutch will be designed with the intention that an additional exercise run will be additionally needed so to allow daily exercise. The hutch will be primarily designed to stay outside all year round, but could be brought indoors if felt necessary. I expect the hutch to last a minimum of 10 years.
I know this is tricky, as you havent got any visuals to work from- im still desiging it as we speak- but any opinions on what youve spent before and what you would be prepared to spend would be great:
If it helps i have broken possible prices into brackets:
£50 - £100 £100 -£200 £200-300 £300-400 £400-£500 £500- £600 £600 +
Thanks very much, look forward to your response
Vikki :0)