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Sudden hay intake decrease


Warren Veteran
Alfrid has fairly suddenly stopped eating as much hay as he used to - I'd often walk in and see him nomming away, but I hardly ever see him eating it now! He does still eat it, don't get me wrong, but it's definitely not as often or as much quantity-wise as he used to. His poos used to be lovely and golden, but now they've gone down in size and are much darker :( it may also be my imagination but I have been thinking that his litter tray has been lasting longer - i.e. Less poos! I'm probably imagining it though...I think?!:?

At first I thought it was something like he was having too many treat things (he doesn't get many, generally one or two crunchies a day and sometimes one fibafirst stick in the evening), but I cut them out completely and it made no difference. Then I thought he was getting too much veg, even though he doesn't have it every day, so cut that out but again it made no difference! He hasn't started getting more pellets, so I can't think it'll be down to that either :? He's also had that hay for a while (pets at home's own) and has never shown any signs of disliking it before!

Anyone else's rabbits experienced this? Could it just be one of those things?! Is Alfrid just being really fussy or do I need to do anything about this? :lol:
Hello my little honey is actually doing the same. She used to be a hay monster, but id say in the last 2 weeks, she's not as keen as she used to be! :(

I'm putting alot of it down to stress and possibly the fact she's starting to get a little hormonal maybe?! (5 months old tomorrow) But I'm really keen to see what others say on your thread?

At the moment honey is more interested in digging in it and piling it up in one corner.. And like you I have noticed her poos have gone rather dark and even wet sometimes! :(

In herself she has become a little skitty but still our cheeky monkey!
Hello my little honey is actually doing the same. She used to be a hay monster, but id say in the last 2 weeks, she's not as keen as she used to be! :(

I'm putting alot of it down to stress and possibly the fact she's starting to get a little hormonal maybe?! (5 months old tomorrow) But I'm really keen to see what others say on your thread?

At the moment honey is more interested in digging in it and piling it up in one corner.. And like you I have noticed her poos have gone rather dark and even wet sometimes! :(

In herself she has become a little skitty but still our cheeky monkey!

Alf likes to do the 'piling up' thing, too! It's only just happened in the last couple of weeks, which is why it's confused me so much. Has Honey had a vet check recently? It's vaccination time for Alfrid at the end of the month so I'll get his teeth checked then, but it might be worth getting Honey's checked?
Aww bless him.. And yeah me too! They do like to worry us! :(

Well she went off her pellets about 2 weeks ago, but as soon as I opened a fresh bag she was okay again. Well she turns 5 months old tomorrow, so she'll shortly be going in for her spay this month! eek! so when she goes in, I'll make sure they check her teeth too! But I just can't understand it as they do have healthy diets although they do have 2 treats, one morning & night. She's gone quiet in herself, but I thought it was all stress from her brother, but maybe it could be her teeth.
I would go straight to teeth problems if this happened to my two. Have you tried another type of hay? Something tastier? I started getting ''posher'' hay for my two as I noticed they were eating less. x
Alfrid has fairly suddenly stopped eating as much hay as he used to - I'd often walk in and see him nomming away, but I hardly ever see him eating it now! He does still eat it, don't get me wrong, but it's definitely not as often or as much quantity-wise as he used to. His poos used to be lovely and golden, but now they've gone down in size and are much darker :( it may also be my imagination but I have been thinking that his litter tray has been lasting longer - i.e. Less poos! I'm probably imagining it though...I think?!:?

At first I thought it was something like he was having too many treat things (he doesn't get many, generally one or two crunchies a day and sometimes one fibafirst stick in the evening), but I cut them out completely and it made no difference. Then I thought he was getting too much veg, even though he doesn't have it every day, so cut that out but again it made no difference! He hasn't started getting more pellets, so I can't think it'll be down to that either :? He's also had that hay for a while (pets at home's own) and has never shown any signs of disliking it before!

Anyone else's rabbits experienced this? Could it just be one of those things?! Is Alfrid just being really fussy or do I need to do anything about this? :lol:

Sorry Jemima, I have only just seen your thread.

I would immediately wonder about his molars, to be honest ... I would let the vet have a look, but bear in mind that most vets can't get a really good look with them conscious because their tongues keep getting in the way! However, they could have their suspicions or otherwise ...

Other than that - how do you store your hay? Could you try him on a different brand? I did have one of mine go off a certain brand for no reason at all ... she moved to a cheaper brand so I was not sorry, but had to throw some away ....
Hope it isn't his teeth - would be frustrating if so, as I'd thought he'd been doing really well recently!

The hay is stored in a tub with a lid in the garage. I could try him on a different brand, yes, but he's had this particular sort for a while and has never seemed to go off it before! However, it is not particularly reassuring seeing him just sat in the same spot doing very little (as opposed to nomming) so I don't really have a choice - it's worth a try!

Can someone remind me what's the earliest you can get them re-vaccinated? I.e does it have to be exactly a year between?Alfrid was vaccinated early April last year (think it was literally the first few days) and if it is his teeth I'd like him to be seen asap, but ideally I wouldn't take him twice in a fairly short period of time because he gets a bit stressed and its obviously expensive! How soon could I take him in? :wave:
Hope it isn't his teeth - would be frustrating if so, as I'd thought he'd been doing really well recently!

The hay is stored in a tub with a lid in the garage. I could try him on a different brand, yes, but he's had this particular sort for a while and has never seemed to go off it before! However, it is not particularly reassuring seeing him just sat in the same spot doing very little (as opposed to nomming) so I don't really have a choice - it's worth a try!

Can someone remind me what's the earliest you can get them re-vaccinated? I.e does it have to be exactly a year between?Alfrid was vaccinated early April last year (think it was literally the first few days) and if it is his teeth I'd like him to be seen asap, but ideally I wouldn't take him twice in a fairly short period of time because he gets a bit stressed and its obviously expensive! How soon could I take him in? :wave:

Hay needs to breathe so it would be a good idea removing the lid of the tub if it is in an airtight sealed tub. Might be worth trying him with other types, or mixing in some readigrass in the hay? It would be fine to get him vaccinated now as It would only be a month early. I got one of mine vaccinated a few months early before so that they would be having theirs done at the same time as their companion. That has all changed now though and is out of loop again. But I am pretty sure a month early would not do any harm. I might be wrong in saying but I think so long as it is at least a month after vaccinating that it is safe/ok to do, although obviously it would be unnecessary.

Good luck with your vet visit! If it was his teeth and he needs a dental then you may not be able to get him vaccinated at the same time anyway. It is a good idea to leave vaccinating and a GA a few weeks apart as their immune system is lowered. You probably are already aware of this though.
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Hi Jemima,

sorry to bring up an old post but did you manage to find out why Alfrid wasn't eating much hay? was everything okay at his check up?

I have had Honey checked and her teeth are fine, which I was hoping as she is only a young bun, but since I have started adding in some timothy hay, and she seems to be eating a lot more of it! basically think I have one fussy little madam! :lol:
I think the more we pander to their 'whims' the more fussy they can get! Of course it's a minefield juggling when they are being fussy and when they are truly off their food!

I use readigrass for my little ones. It's fab for teeth and digestion. People say it's 'rich' and 'high in calcium' but it's truly better than some hays in both respects. I have never had any problems in the 20+ years I have been serving it up. You could mix some in with their hay?
I think the more we pander to their 'whims' the more fussy they can get! Of course it's a minefield juggling when they are being fussy and when they are truly off their food!

I use readigrass for my little ones. It's fab for teeth and digestion. People say it's 'rich' and 'high in calcium' but it's truly better than some hays in both respects. I have never had any problems in the 20+ years I have been serving it up. You could mix some in with their hay?

thanks MightyMax.. I have heard of readigrass, but didn't really know much about it! but thank you that's great.. they have actually got some on offer at the moment in our local pet shop, so I'll head down this weekend and grab a bag for them.

Being honest, for the last month I have been mixing their hay with some of the treat hays we had from Harvey's & Honeys collection which I was go grateful for.. but recently I have been starting to run out so they are probably getting bored of their normal meadow hay so hence adding the timothy hay, but I'm sure the readigrass will also be a hit! (they are very spoilt bunnies thanks to the wonderful people of RU!)
No, there was no obvious cause - his teeth were fine! He does seem to be eating a bit more now, which is good. I too think I just have a fussy bunny!
No, there was no obvious cause - his teeth were fine! He does seem to be eating a bit more now, which is good. I too think I just have a fussy bunny!

Aha .. This should be incorporated into the 'Reasons for suspecting Stasis' sticky :lol: