Shed and Attachted run. . . Bunny Set up

Hi All,

Has been forever since i posted on here as i dont have a computer of my own (now using partners) and after reading the latest set up posts, i felt inspired to but up some pics of my own, its always fun to snoop at peoples set ups isnt it!?


Poppy and Daisy's set up. 1





And the girls themselves. Poppy;


And Daisy;

Poppy and Daisy are lovely and your set up looks good too. I see they have the whole garden to run about in too, lucky bunnies:)
Thank you :) They are my little girls :) I started with the double height hutch and run, but as they grew i felt their home needed to at the same time. They're so active at night it seemed silly to allow them only the hutch over night. They're spoilt !! xx
@Molly35 - Its a piece of Gas piping, legitimately sourced!! But perfect for buns as width is great and totally gnaw proof :)

@Lops. Poppy has an issue with her ear, only one flops and only one perks up - cilla is doing the same thing in your photo - how cute!
:love::love::love::love: gorgeous set up :D now me and Jen know what to look out for from the window of the vets :p:lol:

Your bunnies are so impossibly cute :love::love:
Hi All,

Has been forever since i posted on here as i dont have a computer of my own (now using partners) and after reading the latest set up posts, i felt inspired to but up some pics of my own, its always fun to snoop at peoples set ups isnt it!?


Poppy and Daisy's set up. 1





And the girls themselves. Poppy;


And Daisy;


that looks really good, wish i could make one for my bunny.
The tunnel idea is a great idea. I was wondering how I was going to fit my run but it is now going on the side of them play house we have just built, with a tunnel for them!

Ta :)