Rainbow Rabbits are Shutting its Doors

Hugo's There

Wise Old Thumper
After nearly 8 years we have made the very difficult decision that we cannot carry on as we are :(

After caring for close to 200 ill, old and special needs rabbits and holding them as they pass away we are totally broken :cry::cry: Each one lived as a member of our family, whether it was for a few weeks or many years, and losing one every few weeks for so many years without a break has taken its toll.

Add to that the increasing financial strain. The past three months have cost us £8000! We just can't carry on.

We will not be taking in any more rabbits and will naturally reduce the numbers we have here, while giving those that remain more space and the excellent care we have always given them :love:

We have not had a holiday or even a day off in 8 years! I have lived and breathed Rainbow Rabbits 24/7 the entire time. The time has come for me to think about me for a change. I want my own rabbits, young happy healthy bunnies that I can enjoy and spend time with, without worrying constantly about one issue or another :love:

I think eventually we will take in one or two special needs bunnies again, but never as we have in the past. We want Rainbow Rabbits to just be a part of our life, not our entire life.

But we still need your support now, probably more than ever. We still have 27 Rainbow Rabbits to care for, while we are emotionally and financially struggling. It will still take several years to stop completely.

So thank you to everyone who has supported us so far and I hope you will continue to do so :love:
I'm sorry to hear you are closing your doors but what an amazing difference you have made to all those bunnies that would struggle to find anywhere to go to get the special care and dedication needed that you have given them. :love:

I wish you all the best for the future and you definitely deserve one super holiday after 8 years!
I'm so sorry you've had to make this decision. I think it's the right one though! You sound drained and not as bouncy as you were in my early days on here. My heart goes out to you. Xxx
Whilst I am so sorry to hear this..you're not machines and the emotional and physical toll the last 8 years put on you must be immense.

I smiled at the bit where you say you want normal,young, healthy buns...and if anyone deserves that you do.

Still..and always will think you guys are amazing in what you've achieved.xxx
Sorry to hear your closing your doors you've made such a difference to the lives of the bunnies you've looked after.
I wish you all the best.
Whilst I am so sorry to hear this..you're not machines and the emotional and physical toll the last 8 years put on you must be immense.

I smiled at the bit where you say you want normal,young, healthy buns...and if anyone deserves that you do.

Still..and always will think you guys are amazing in what you've achieved.xxx

I just want to be able to enjoy having rabbits rather than constantly stressing. But saying that I will probably stress just as much as its been a very long time since we have had young healthy buns, or even a rabbit I get to chose!!
Even so I want to be able to watch them grow, play and progress through life rather than only ever getting the last few deteriorating months :)

When I held Otis at the end I told him one day I would get a young bunny just like him. Not to replace him but to get an idea of what he was like before we met him. I've heard tales from his owners about how amazing Otis was before his illness ( of course he was just as amazing but in a different way when disabled) and I so wish I could have seen him like that <3
I support your decision 100% and hopefully in the not too distant future, will be in a position to help a little financially!

I add my hugs to those already given for you ((( bless ))) :love:
Fair play Liz - you have done more than your share of good work and those 200 bunnies are blessed to have lived with you. I hope that many more young srightly buns are waiting to join you to live out their full lives. :) Make sure to tell us all about them!
must be very hard but the right decision, you have done so much despite the strains, and will continue to support as I can
:love:... You are an angel and bless, theres only so much you can do....

You've been a lifesaver for many but you do also need to make sure you are doing all you can for yourself,,,

Hope you do manage to chill a bit more.... Take care...

Fee xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks everyone. This year has not been an easy one :(

As I said to someone else, how can I care for broken rabbits when I'm broken myself?
Whilst i am sorry to hear that the care you have so wonderfully provided for so many over the years will no longer be available - I can very much understand and the emotional, physical and financial strain must be enormous. Eight years is such a long time for any one person or couple to do what you have done and you have helped so very many rabbits in that time.
I've not been on RU that long, but long enough to be in awe of just how much you've devoted to bunnies in retirement. I'm sure you will have inspired many a bunny owner to consider taking on one of the type of bunnies you've nurtured in their final years. What I'm trying to say is your kind works will live on. I'm happy you're going to get some time for you two - I can't think of anyone who deserves it more
An understandable decision. I have bunnies with mostly minor issues in comparison and I find that hard to deal with at times, so I can imagine the toll it takes having constant nursing and challenges with so many buns after all these years. You have given so much love and life to bunnies who would probably not otherwise have had that, you & Steve really have made a huge difference to the bunny community over the years and continue to do so with your remaining bunnies :love:
Thanks you are all very kind.

I only wanted to do it if I could do a really good job and give 110% and recently I haven't had the strength to do that. The rabbits of course always come first and have always had and still have excellent care. It's just the rest. Emails, accounts, fundraising, keeping up with fb posts, website etc. I'm months behind with it all :(

We have taken our website down and ended the sponsorship scheme so hopefully that will help a little short term :)