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Rabbit going in to stasis every time I try and introduce pellets

Hello, I’ve got a 6 month old rabbit called snowball. I got him at 9 weeks, he wa on Russell rabbit muesli when I got him. Twice I’ve tried to swap to pellets, I put 3 selective junior pellets the first time mixed in, 2nd time ( 2 months later) 4 burgess excel nuggets. Every time within a few hours, he’s gone off his food and stopped eating. Vet checked his teeth they are fine ( eats tons of hay) luckily after the medication and painkiller he’s eating totally fine now ( including the Russell rabbit) I know the muesli is rubbish, I worry trying again he’s going to have episode and not eating. Is it really awful if I continue to give him the muesli? Thanks for reading
Is he just refusing the pellet feed or all food ?

How much RR are you feeding him?

What is his poo output like, does he continue to pass poo ? Food refusal alone does not indicate gut stasis, he might be protesting about the change in diet.

If you are absolutely certain he is eating ‘tons of hay’ then cut his RR portion down gradually over about 10 days until he has none for 48 hours Only do this if he is definitely eating lots of hay. Then introduce a couple of pellets slowly increasing the amount to no more than a small eggcup full a day.

During this change over keep a close eye on poo output.
I do remember years ago someone on here who had issues with constant stasis and pellets, and that muesli was the only food that could be tolerated (as a small part of the diet, not instead of hay). Pellets are very concentrated, and I think some bunnies are sensitive to them. Years ago when I had bunnies with constant stasis issues I had to cut pellets out altogether and just feed lots of different hays and dried forage.
This isn't going to be popular for me to say but my friend's Rabbits are now 10 and have always had Muesli. She will not buy pellets. So even when you only add a few pellets to the muesli your Rabbit goes into stasis?
thank you for your replies. Poo output is usually really good and golden poos, usually has a few handfuls of grass which I’ve introduced slowly over the months and obviously his hay. It’s been both times I’ve introduced pellets that he’s totally stopped eating anything, I was giving him crital care. When he stopped eating they were very small and black
Rabbits don't like change as a general rule so it seems that your Bunny is really stuck in his ways although he is still young. Does he eat veg?
He does eat veg, he likes forage, also dandelions occasionally. Just seems to be the pellets he has an issue with, he will eat the pellets that’s in the muesli. I’ve got his uncle, he was on the same food but zero issues swapping him
Is he just refusing the pellet feed or all food ?

How much RR are you feeding him?

What is his poo output like, does he continue to pass poo ? Food refusal alone does not indicate gut stasis, he might be protesting about the change in diet.

If you are absolutely certain he is eating ‘tons of hay’ then cut his RR portion down gradually over about 10 days until he has none for 48 hours Only do this if he is definitely eating lots of hay. Then introduce a couple of pellets slowly increasing the amount to no more than a small eggcup full a day.

During this change over keep a close eye on poo output.
I would cut out the RR food as IM advises.

Are the two rabbits bonded or do each live separately and alone?