New Kit
Good afternoon, I was asking a question on another forum on here but I didn’t get a reply so I thought I’d start a new one, my rabbit has had some on going abscess just before she turned 4 in July and they have been spreading around her face her vet said they are seeding, she started of with one big one underneath her eye and her vet removed it and it didn’t come back for a couple of months then a couple of small ones returned in the same place, she then got one underneath her chin what was quite big I’d say a tiny bit smaller than a golf ball, her vet tried to get most of the puss out it’s a lot smaller than it was now but not completely gone it keeps bursting every now and then and I’m doing my best to clean it and get more of the puss out. She come of her antibiotics a few days ago she was on them for about a month, I want to try something natural for the time being before she has to go on another course of antibiotics I’ve heard echinacea is meant to be good but can I use the drops and drop it on her tounge?