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putting my bunnies together?


New Kit
I got a new baby bun on feb 14th at 10 weeks old, it turned out he was a little boy and i already had a girl so I was happy that my little girl may bond with him as she has never accepted female bunnies and always faught. I kept their cages right next to eachother for weeks until one day little gizmo got into daisys cage how i am not quite sure he is a right little escape artist. Anyway they seemed to bond right away licking eachothers heads etc but i could not keep them together as i did not want a litter so i had him fixed 10 days ago. yesterday i let them into the run together while i had my eye on them and he went right for her to mount her I removed him right away. so to get to my point....... How long should i keep him away from her for? and will he always still have the urge to mount here even with his bits removed?
When I got my little man "deballed" he had 5 weeks away from the doe. 3 weeks completely and then 2 weeks under strict supervision.

His hormones are still active for up to a month I believe.

Its bad to put them together too soon: (1) its bad for his health (2) if he's aggressive etc towards her she may never bond with him properly when the time is right.