New Kit
I’m at my wits end. I’ll try to make this short. I noticed some white discharge coming somewhere from my bunny back in September. Couldn’t figure out where it was from. Saw it a few times after that but she seemed fine. I assumed she was spraying and it was calcium. Fast forward to this week and I saw it drop from her nose. My heart sank. I’ve read about respiratory problems in bunnies and how fatal they can be. My bunny has NO other symptoms of any sort. She’s very active, and pooping, eating all as normal. I did get a vet to look at her today and he said to just let it be. However I should mention Im from Pakistan and we don’t have rabbit savvy vets here. He didn’t do any tests, just took a look and drew a conclusion that she’s ok.. however I’m really worried. I’ve heard respiratory problems can start like this and worsen quickly. Should I start her on antibiotics? If so which ones? What should the dosage be? Is there any side effects of the medication? Am I panicking too much? I really don’t know what to do here.
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