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Pets at Home break-through!!!!

Was in a P@H at Straighton, Edinburgh and saw one of the new hutches and was quite impressed at the size too! I also saw a poster which said "We advise neutering and vaccination of all rabbits as well as plenty of space for exercise" which I also really pleased to see.

Nicola x
PLEEASEEE DONT ENDORSE PETS AT HOME!! Im not sure if your aware of all the protests against them????? i personally have my own awful experience with them,thier incompetence and thier neglect!!! I beg if you are an animal lover boycott boycott boycott!!!Thanks

The fact is whether we boycott it or not, when new rabbit owners walk into pets at home and see the large hutches, that's what they'll buy instead of tiny ones!! I'm so pleased, might send them an email. :)
PLEEASEEE DONT ENDORSE PETS AT HOME!! Im not sure if your aware of all the protests against them????? i personally have my own awful experience with them,thier incompetence and thier neglect!!! I beg if you are an animal lover boycott boycott boycott!!!Thanks
They are making good changes and we have to praise them for that so they carry on. If we don't they could go back to small hutches. It'a step in the right direction and I believe there will be more steps.
Pets at home, whilst they are not perfect and do have problems, have not only donated a lot of money to the RWAF, but also have obviously taken advice on board. Their adoption scheme, whilst very flawed, also makes rescuing more prevalent in peoples minds and must take some pressure off rescues. They are making improvements, and I think that should be recognised. At the end of the day, pet shops arent going to stop buying rabbits, and people arent going to stop going to pet shops for their rabbits. When it comes to rabbit care, advice and welfare, p@h are the only chain store that I see making big improvements in their housing and advice.


If there were P@H here I would shop there for pet food and supplies. I don't think I actually care that pet shops sell animals anyways, just so long as they take good care of them, because even if pet shops did stop selling rabbits it wouldn't really help anything. Not everyone wants to rescue so people would still find someone to buy baby rabbits from, which means there would be a lot more awful backyard breeders, which would probably lead to just as many homeless rabbits.