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Outdoor Rabbit setup.


My insulation was 2 cm thick polystyrene sheets covered with chipboard. However the builder only did 3/4 of the way up.. One thing is certain.. There is less dampness permeating through the shed and as a result the hay is lasting a bit longer too!,!!
I've got 1" thick polystyrene sheets for my wendy house: I'll be covering with ply though as chipboard is a b#st#rd when it gets wet! And I don't know IF it's going to get wet yet, until I've built it and rain tested it, being secondhand! I'll do the shelving in chip, but that's easier replaced than the whole lot of boarding! Avoid MDF for many reasons.

Please excuse pic quality

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Shed is 7 x5 .. The runs arent ideal, its 2 of 5 x5 runs joined together. I have removed the mesh in between them both now.. I just couldnt get 1 at 10 x 5..

Yeah, the bunnies are happy.. Bramble is now running about more, he is a big boy, he loves the space..

Sadly I cant allow them to free range in my garden... Theres millions of ragwort developed and this can be dangerous.. That and a family of foxes have taken up residence in next doors garden.. I need to be vigilant and lock them in overnight just now