On this day


Wise Old Thumper
the photo app thingy my computer has decided to use keeps showing me photos taken on other years, same date. To me this seems like a brilliant opportunity to re-inflict photograhs on you

On this day last year Boobly shared a floral forage lunch with Rudey


Boobly played ear hats with Joey


2018 This photo of Joey landed him in a right lot of bother with the RWSA

Such precious memories and lovely photos. You always get such nice photo's of your bunnies.

That photo of Joey used to wind Toby up big time. Mousey is always a good girl and a shinning star :love:
I had to turn that function of because I only had about a dozen pictures on here at the time :lol: I get memories on my phone/Chromebook :) These are better than most of those :D
Thanks everybun

On this day Boobly & Rudey had a fight & I came off worse. I know this as only 2 photos from this date last year: all four having breakfast followed by a photo of Booblys attack on my hand


It makes me happy that all my anniversary photos will now be Rudey having a nice time with just his Mouseypie. He didn't seem to mind the second run of bonding (he was bonded to Mousey almost 2 months early on 3rd June) but he looks happiest when it was just the two of them. I hate the photos when he is all alone on the wrong side of the divide :(
Thanks everybun

On this day Boobly & Rudey had a fight & I came off worse. I know this as only 2 photos from this date last year: all four having breakfast followed by a photo of Booblys attack on my hand


It makes me happy that all my anniversary photos will now be Rudey having a nice time with just his Mouseypie. He didn't seem to mind the second run of bonding (he was bonded to Mousey almost 2 months early on 3rd June) but he looks happiest when it was just the two of them. I hate the photos when he is all alone on the wrong side of the divide :(

that is a beautiful pic. treasured memories.
I've never seen Myrtle before either. She's very cute :love: What's her story?

I got Myrtle & her half Sis Noodle from Bunny Burrows ; they were the only available pair. She was an excellent carpet sweeper, very aloof & had a glare like no other. She just missed moving to Lancashire with us by a few weeks