Old, neutered, male bunny nesting?

Hi, my male neutered, almost 13 year old rabbit has been running circles around feet in recent months and this morning I saw him running around with a big bunch of hay in his mouth like a nesting doe! Never seen him do this before. Thoughts please.
In older neutered Bucks this type of behaviour can indicate a problem with the adrenal gland, adrenal gland hyperplasia.
Thank you. He’s 13 later on in September ��. Lost his sister almost 2 years ago. He’s a funny boy, had us going a few times as he sleeps very soundly sometimes! He seems to be enjoying himself lately, slipping past whoever goes to tuck him in in his aviary style home at night and he heads off around the garden at great speed! Luckily the two resident Labradors are safe with him!
Hi Jane, thanks for the reply. That’s interesting. Anything to be done or just watch him?

Just keep an eye on him. If the behaviour becomes extreme with lots of circling, spraying and humping and can exhaust the effected old Buck. There is a hormone implant which can be used , Suprelorin, which can significantly reduce the hormonal behaviour. The implant is injected under the skin, sedation of the Rabbit is not required and the implant should remain effective for up to 6 months when another one can be given.