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New Rabbit Owner!


New Kit
Hey there,
I just got a dwarf rabbit on Wednesday! My girlfriend begged me and I eventually caved (Plus when I went to meet the rabbit I couldnt resist. The store said that it's still early but, they believe she's a girl. She's adorable!!! My question is this, She's been licking me constantly for the last 30 minutes. The first day I got her I read that bonding with your rabbit is very important especially in the early stages, so that's what I've been doing. She seems docile, never bites (except at night, she seems to get cranky) The first day she sat between me and the couch for hours, and yesterday she was snuggling with my girlfriend and gave her a few smooches on the face...

Today though she's going non-stop... Even as I type she's on my lap licking my hands, sitting on the keyboard, licking my arms, fingers! Non-stop, I was wondering if this is due to lack of something, or maybe teething? Or possibly grooming, affection?

Any feedback would be great! :)
I've read that they like the salty taste of skin, but it juts sounds like she is very affectionate rabbit. It is great that she is so friendly so soon. I wish ours were like that.
:wave: welcome to the forum - we need piccies of your little bun

yeah shes grooming you by the sounds of it :D
Will s/he be a house bun then?
Welcome to the forum:wave: Your bunny is really cute. But a word of warning, if she suddenly goes still and lifts her tail, she's about to pee on your keyboard :lol::lol::lol:.