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Need info on Locust bean treats & Locust bean seeds.Complaint to be made.


Mama Doe
Hi, can anyone help with the above topic. My regular rabbit food i buy from a pet shop in bulk has now added locust beans to it:?. Some of the beans still have their seeds in them as i found out earlier and I'm sure their poisonous:?. Can anyone point me to the relevant websites or books etc to prove this to be true. I wish to make a complaint but i just want to be right in what I'm saying and making sure i have as much proof as necessary. I will keep you posted on what happens and if you can help i would be very grateful. I was also thinking of writing to the RWA and my vet to see if they had any information for me. The locust beans in the food are approx 2cm long and 0.5cm thick with maybe 1 or 2 seeds inside.(I'm picking them out for the moment).Thank you all who can help.:D
The seeds are toxic but I think a bunny would need to eat several before being poisoned. I always took them out- they usually rattle(but not always) when you shake them. I just changed my bunny food.
this is an extract from FHB though just regarding the locust beans not advisable no mention of seeds.


yes do check with your vet before you write to complain.
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