My bonding experience - excessive humping

We had one very half-hearted attempt at a hump today, barely bothered to get a leg over and Freja nipped it in the bud by disappearing into their castle :D But so far so good with the extra space!!
I'm pleased I found your thread to read it. Your so right, it's the same situation, I will probably read this every day now to give me hope. Today I'm struggling. I also worry if rabbo hasn't been neutered , the rescue and vets both say he has and I've checked and he has sacks but not balls lol.. The honking noise is just awful, Hm hm hm hm hm hm over and over again even when he is just near her.
Was it day 6 you seen a breakthrough that's tomorrow. I think i will have much of the same [emoji849] xxxx

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We had many apparent breakthroughs, and so many time we felt that we were there only to visit and see another cloud of fur. But gradaully it was a week, and then 2 weeks, an then a month and then 6 weeks in between these epsidoes, and we started to discover the triggers too so we managed it more carefully - but these days they are honestly so happy and loved up, it's amazing. It was probably the most stressful experience of my life, I am not kidding, it will push you to the absolute limit, but keep going! As long as thy are not unhappy with each other in terms of attacking, you just hav to trust they know their own language and culture and let them get on with it. The less interference the better I think, provided they are safe.
Always happy to be a listening ear when it gets too much xxx