Making ‘that’ decision


Today my OH and I have come to the decision to make an appointment for Sora to be PTS. She is 13(!), she has survived a liver lobe torsion 10 years ago, she has been on a slow decline for the last 2 years or so. Recently she has shown signs that she is ready to go, but her body keeps hanging on and won’t let her go. She is incontinent and her back legs are giving up, the combination of which means that husbandry to keep her back end clean has become impossible and I believe she is now suffering, so convincing my OH today with ‘the talk’ was not that difficult.

My issue is of course that she is part of a bonded pair, and I want to minimise the impact on her partner Smudge (who is 10.5 himself). They have been strongly bonded together for 10 years and I know that the recommended thing is to let him sniff her afterwards and when he moves away from her then he’s ‘accepted’ it, but he has already begun distancing himself from her so I am not sure how beneficial it would be to bring Sora back from the vets? She will likely smell of ‘the vets’ and not herself which I am not sure would be helpful. My heart says it would be kinder for him as he has already started to distance himself but as I’ve never been in this situation before then I’m not sure whether to trust myself or if I’m making a mistake? :(
dear tigerangel,-we share our experiences,for better/worse-after losing many family members-solice doesnot come easy-[mother,son-cousin,2 brother,inlaws:love: in 2018,along with my last two bunz-:love:[both 13 years old]--it does bring tears to my old eyes.-I have had to for health/medical reasons pts several very old dogs raised from pups.,i donot regret it,because the quality of life was so poor.-I miss them.-sincerely james waller from the other kent-usa:love::love::wave:
Thank you everyone. She went this morning, we gave her lots and lots of her favourite vegetables and my husband stayed with her until the end. He said it was very peaceful, for the first time in months she tucked her paws underneath her dewlap and laid down before she drifted away, as if for the first time in a long time she was able to truly relax thanks to the PTS drugs. My husband broke down, the vet nurse broke down and had to be consoled by the vet, but all in all everyone in the room agreed it was the best thing to do for her. She was the oldest rabbit the vet has ever seen and she has more than earned her peaceful rest. We just need to do right by her now and look after her Smudge. Even though we knew it was coming I’m still so heartbroken.
Sending you the biggest hugs. The next few weeks, months even will not be easy. Hold onto all of the lovely memories you have <3 xxxxx
I’m so sorry :cry: thinking of you and sending hugs xx

Binky free at the bridge, Sora xx
I don’t think Smudge has noticed yet. I think he will gradually realise over the course of today. So far he is eating okay, I cleaned everything out as soon as Sora left the house so I can see how much he is pooing etc to help keep an eye on him.

I also realised he had another birthday and I’m still counting his old age, he is actually 11.5 so he’s certainly no spring chicken despite still having a baby bunny face.
I'm so sorry that you had to let her go, but pleased that it was a peaceful passing. Big hugs xxx
Big hugs to you and gentle nose rubs to Smudge. Binky free at the bridge brave Sora - you have earned your rest and it’s time for your spirit to shine at the bridge. Xx
Today my OH and I have come to the decision to make an appointment for Sora to be PTS. She is 13(!), she has survived a liver lobe torsion 10 years ago, she has been on a slow decline for the last 2 years or so. Recently she has shown signs that she is ready to go, but her body keeps hanging on and won’t let her go. She is incontinent and her back legs are giving up, the combination of which means that husbandry to keep her back end clean has become impossible and I believe she is now suffering, so convincing my OH today with ‘the talk’ was not that difficult.

My issue is of course that she is part of a bonded pair, and I want to minimise the impact on her partner Smudge (who is 10.5 himself). They have been strongly bonded together for 10 years and I know that the recommended thing is to let him sniff her afterwards and when he moves away from her then he’s ‘accepted’ it, but he has already begun distancing himself from her so I am not sure how beneficial it would be to bring Sora back from the vets? She will likely smell of ‘the vets’ and not herself which I am not sure would be helpful. My heart says it would be kinder for him as he has already started to distance himself but as I’ve never been in this situation before then I’m not sure whether to trust myself or if I’m making a mistake? :(
dear tigerangel,-in 2018 I lost a lot of family members,-at the funeral-[November 15,2018]- for my mother I saw a note on a bulletin board,it said [you have to let people go-,everyone who is in your life are meant to be in your journey,-but not all of them are meant to stay till the end]-it seemed to help.-my son died may-28,2018-he was 38yr.old.--even with all my medical problems I raised and outlived about 20 rabbits-loved them all -that was the goal,now I get solice from tasmin,s website-rabbits united-and belief in god,lots of prayer,-lots of love vibs from members-you will find peace--sincerely james waller from the other kent-usa