lionhead bunny standing up in cage & almost falling on her back?? she keeps doing this, even after she falls


New Kit
My lionhead bunny, Nova ( 6 months ) has been standing up inside her cage on her hind legs & like leaning backwards almost? i just give the cage a little tap so she stops & sits down, i just dont want her to hurt her back doing this because she’s just falling backwards. could this be out of boredom? the only time she does this is inside her cage, when she’s free roaming most of the day she just stands on her hind legs to look around
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It's hard to say, but from how you describe it, maybe Nova is being inquisitive and trying to look out, especially if she free roams most of the day. You don't say how big the cage is, but maybe you could consider giving her more space instead, if that's possible, puppy panels are very versatile. Also make sure she has plenty of enrichment, tunnels and bunny friendly chew toys, and lots of hay to munch. You'll find lots of enrichment ideas, and homemade toys under the housing section of the forum, of course having a bunny friend would be ideal, if that's an option 😊