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Lazy Bunnies

Bunny is a bit lazy. He likes nothing better than just flopping over, :lol:. When he binkies though he is really funny. He'll just sit there normally, then all of a sudden he's 2 feet in the air, then plops back down again in the same position :lol:.

Poppy is much more active (which is strange as she's the oldest one at 5/6). She is a real bunny 500-er, and runs round and round the lounge practically every night. It's funny to watch as lazy Bunny just sits there, while Pop is tearing round and round jumping over him on each circuit. Bun just doesn't raise an eyelid!

Bella is a real binky bunny, and VERY excitable. I wonder if it's because she's on her own at the moment, so when I spend time with her it's extra exciting? (She's waiting for place in a rescue, btw, otherwise I wouldn't ever keep her as a lone bun).

I love that they all have their own personalities, just like people. If I was a rabbit, I'd be like Bunny (the lazy one :lol:)
My four are all incredibly active on an evening and morning. They bunny 500 and binky every day without question, sometimes we have head on collisions when multiple bunnies are doing bunny500's :lol:
Sunshine is lazy. He has bursts of energy but can spend hours flopped out just peeking out from under one of the beds.

Cutie-pie seems to have bounds of energy. Very much more active.
My four are all incredibly active on an evening and morning. They bunny 500 and binky every day without question, sometimes we have head on collisions when multiple bunnies are doing bunny500's :lol:

Now thats something you MUST get a video of... :D
buddy is very laid back/lazy?? he has all the time in the world and only tends to run around in little circles when i'm feeding him.. then thats it!

the girls are crazy! mornings are great when i put the run to the shed, the go mad running about binking and jumping over each other. occasionally bud gets into the spirit and runs about with them for a few minutes which always makes me laugh to see all 3 going mental.. but it doesn't last long! :?
Lola is very lazy she does have her moments she can run around like crazy and do binkies but this is normally at like 1am, she runs around at 6pm when everyone gets in from work.

Charlie is very active he barely sits still he is binky mad and is always following delilah, he is more reserved but is happy to come up to you when you have food.

Delilah my little "wild" bunny is so active she never sits down for longer than 5 minutes, shes always running around getting into everything she shouldnt and generally being a mad little baby!

Dougal sleeps all of the time I dont think he knows the word active, he loves to sit in his little house watching the world go by:roll: he is very laid back like Lola but boy he is lazy:lol:
OK, so our four:

Tibbs - is lazy but will hop around and binky a little bit.
Echo - terrified of everything, have only seen him binky 3 times total (all 3 last weekend :love:)
Oliver - same as Tibberific - will hop around a bit but doesn't get up to any real speed
Maisey - would cartwheel across the ceiling if she could!!! :roll::lol::lol:

Ours are such a mixed bag - but I love them so much for all their crazy individualities!
I was also going to ask what a bunny 500 was. My two do those every so often and it's an amazing sight! I've got a short video somewhere of Sergeant going mental on the settee (he hardly ever goes up there and Pepper has never gone up). I'll try and upload it when I get home. I wish I could get videos or photos of proper binkies - they are just wonderful to see!

What's a head binky though? :oops:

As for laziness, Sergeant is normally the lazy one. When they get their food, they'll both chomp in the bowls to start but Pepper will always, without fail, wander off fairly quickly to forage for other food and run around with the treat balls. Sergeant will mostly stay chomping in the bowl. I guess he prefers to be waited on hand and foot! That said, he does still like a run/hop around (with the occasional binky and rare bunny 500!), just not quite so much as Pepper.
My four are all incredibly active on an evening and morning. They bunny 500 and binky every day without question, sometimes we have head on collisions when multiple bunnies are doing bunny500's :lol:

Mini and Mischa do this too. :lol:

Mischa did a binky today where he just seemed to 'hang' in the air for a second. He must've been 1 1/2 to 2 foot off the ground.