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Is Megazorb safe? Its a bit DUSTY!

I have wondered about the dust from megazorb too - it does seem to settle after a few mins in the tray, but with all my animals I am always putting scoops of fresh megazorb in their trays/cages, and ALWAYS hold my breath as it's SO dusty when you move it about - My chest has got a bit worse since getting all the pigs, and when I dust their room it's covered in a thick film of yellowy dust from the megazorb, so I figure it must be bad for my lungs!

I never used to use woodshavings as the phenol argument scared me off. However I ran out of mzorb a few weeks ago and got some woodshavings for the rabbits, and was really pleased with them - no dust and smelt nice, although the 'nice' smell is of course phenol! I just use shavings on top of mzorb now, to keep the trays going longer as the mzorb is brilliant for absorbency. I figure as my rabbits are outside the phenols get blown away anyway - I don't use shavings for the pigs as it dries their coats I've heard, and they are so low to the ground with their little legs, and in an enclosed room, so the phenols would build up I guess.