Hello all! I live in Scotland with my 2 bunnies Tom and Jerry. We inherited them from a friend when they were about 4 or 5 years old, and over 8 years later, they are still going strong, making them seriously old rabbits! Here they are enjoying some exercise in the garden. I don't know what kind of rabbits they are, but maybe someone else does?
Jerry is still very lively and nosey, and runs about everwhere, but when he has had a mad march hare moment, he has a little rest afterwards these days. Tom used to be full of mischief, but he is slowing down, and is rather stiff when he goes about. He enjoys bun-bathing in the sunshine and doesn't like to get cold, so they are living in our conservatory over winter, and unlike us, have a little radiator on through the cold nights.

Jerry is still very lively and nosey, and runs about everwhere, but when he has had a mad march hare moment, he has a little rest afterwards these days. Tom used to be full of mischief, but he is slowing down, and is rather stiff when he goes about. He enjoys bun-bathing in the sunshine and doesn't like to get cold, so they are living in our conservatory over winter, and unlike us, have a little radiator on through the cold nights.