Mama Doe
I notice quite a few of you on here have free ranging indoor bunnies - how long does it generally take for them to be 'trusted' to free range? Did you start it straight away when you got them or do you build this up over a certain length of time?
I only let my 2 out in the living room when we are home and can keep an eye on them. I would like to give them free run of at least the living room at all times but I'm not sure I could trust them at the moment not to nibble things (furniture, skirting, cables I thought I had protected etc!) and pee / poo everywhere. They are good at using their litter tray and I only get a few odd stray poos in the run but if they find something that resembles a bed / tray they use it as a toilet so I'm reluctant to let them loose in case they pee in places that I don't notice straight away.
They are around 5-6 months just now - is free ranging something that is easy to build up to in time or is it very much dependent on the rabbit?
I only let my 2 out in the living room when we are home and can keep an eye on them. I would like to give them free run of at least the living room at all times but I'm not sure I could trust them at the moment not to nibble things (furniture, skirting, cables I thought I had protected etc!) and pee / poo everywhere. They are good at using their litter tray and I only get a few odd stray poos in the run but if they find something that resembles a bed / tray they use it as a toilet so I'm reluctant to let them loose in case they pee in places that I don't notice straight away.
They are around 5-6 months just now - is free ranging something that is easy to build up to in time or is it very much dependent on the rabbit?