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If bunnies spoke english, what would your bunny say?

bunny momma

Wise Old Thumper
If bunnies spoke english, what would your bunnies say?
I suspect Raven may use some obsenities in regards to syringe feeds and meds he is getting atm.
Haha :lol: This title made me laugh so much :D I normally always speak Turkish with cookie. One day I wanted to shoot a video for the forum and I spoke English. Cookie didn't understand my English instructions and started looking at me strangely. I even swear Cookie was looking at me like he was shocked, I don't know why when I speaks English he was horrified. :lol: I never thought that cookie would be shocked to hear a different language. :D
Probably cookie would say to me in Turkish if he heard me speak English: "what are you talking about? Speak turkish" :lol: :lol:
I think Sophie would say, 'I'm going to chase my food ball and then I'm going to sleep and eat and be washed by Casper aaaaalllll day!' And I think Casper would say, 'Food! Food! Fooooooood!'
I think Sophie would say, 'I'm going to chase my food ball and then I'm going to sleep and eat and be washed by Casper aaaaalllll day!' And I think Casper would say, 'Food! Food! Fooooooood!'

I totally agree with that. I think the first thing all bunnies will say is "I'm hungry to eat more" . Even in the words of Graciee's bunnies "I am hungry hungry hippo" hahahaha :lol: :lol:
Lilac would express her distaste at having humans anywhere near her! Rupert is like a happy little puppy, I think he'd ask us for attention and cuddles all the time!
I totally agree with that. I think the first thing all bunnies will say is "I'm hungry to eat more" . Even in the words of Graciee's bunnies "I am hungry hungry hippo" hahahaha [emoji38] [emoji38]