Mama Doe
Hi all,
I could really do with some ideas, please!
I need to provide some accommodation for my new rescued bun Buffy and her future 'husbun'. Currently she is living inside, but this is not a long term solution, space wise.
My dh has suggested that we give them our 7x7 shed and store our bikes etc elsewhere.
I have included some photos, which show the corner of the shed and the extra area of garden which we would like to use for a run of some sort. It's a great spot separate to the rest of the garden and away from our other rabbits. We could make a door in the side of the shed!
I'm really interested to know what other people might do with this space. I'm on a tight budget because all things rabbit are costing me a fortune, so we think if we can beg, borrow and do diy, then we might be able to save some money!
All ideas will be massively appreciated. Thank you x
(Eta: we rent, and have to return things back to normal afterwards)
I could really do with some ideas, please!
I need to provide some accommodation for my new rescued bun Buffy and her future 'husbun'. Currently she is living inside, but this is not a long term solution, space wise.
My dh has suggested that we give them our 7x7 shed and store our bikes etc elsewhere.
I have included some photos, which show the corner of the shed and the extra area of garden which we would like to use for a run of some sort. It's a great spot separate to the rest of the garden and away from our other rabbits. We could make a door in the side of the shed!
I'm really interested to know what other people might do with this space. I'm on a tight budget because all things rabbit are costing me a fortune, so we think if we can beg, borrow and do diy, then we might be able to save some money!
All ideas will be massively appreciated. Thank you x
(Eta: we rent, and have to return things back to normal afterwards)