Ideas needed please.


Mama Doe
Hi all,

I could really do with some ideas, please!

I need to provide some accommodation for my new rescued bun Buffy and her future 'husbun'. Currently she is living inside, but this is not a long term solution, space wise.

My dh has suggested that we give them our 7x7 shed and store our bikes etc elsewhere.

I have included some photos, which show the corner of the shed and the extra area of garden which we would like to use for a run of some sort. It's a great spot separate to the rest of the garden and away from our other rabbits. We could make a door in the side of the shed!

I'm really interested to know what other people might do with this space. I'm on a tight budget because all things rabbit are costing me a fortune, so we think if we can beg, borrow and do diy, then we might be able to save some money!

All ideas will be massively appreciated. Thank you x

(Eta: we rent, and have to return things back to normal afterwards)

Looks like a great spot. Does the shed have windows

Hi, it does yes. They are on the side where the picket fence is, we plan to mesh them.

The shed is basically side on, so the door is on the left, out of shot. There is a path that goes down to it and we will turn part of the picket fence into a gate for our own access to a run.

My dh had the idea of creating a divide inside the shed so that the front will have a storage area and then through to the rabbits area, it also means that they won't be at the front when you open the door x
Hi there! Thought I'd just join in on this thread. Like Zen said, it's a really good space and the shed looks well protected too. If you're on a tight budget perhaps searching for cheap aviary panels would be a good way to go? Though I know most of the time you have to collect them yourself which is a pain :roll: Even if you do section off some of the shed for the storage area you'd still have a lot of room! Again, the divide could be created with aviary styled panels with a mesh door and mesh divide? Like you said, it means you won't be bombed with rabbits when you first go through the door! :lol: All in all you'd get a huge space for the run, I'd go for 6 ft in height as it's much easier access and you can put all sorts of things in there for them without a worry, and a big space inside AND have extra to store all the rabbits things which will probably come in handy. Looks pretty good to me! I'm certain Buffy and her future husbun will love it and you for creating such a space for them to live in. :D
Hi thanks for your reply :)

I think it does have lots of potential, it's just going to be the cost of everything :shock:. I'm always on the lookout for things we might be able to use. The aviary panels are a good idea, I'll have a look at those.

Yeah, we would just section off a small section at the front of the shed, maybe enough room for hay .etc.

You may have seen my other threads. Basically we also have a trio, who live around the corner, past the shed. We have just recently got them a huge 12x6 run, and still have to buy some tunnels to link to their existing accommodation. So as you can imagine everything is getting quite expensive x
Shamelessly bumping :oops:

I had a look at aviary panels but to have enough to work with it looks like it would cost a lot :shock: x
What is the mesh on the floor at the foot of the picture? Is that use able? I can't see how strong it is.

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Could you not go for lower panels as this would make it cheaper or buy a ready made run and attach it, think they are not too expensive on ebay or if o/h is good at diy make your own panels x
Thanks for the replies.

I'm keeping an eye out on the free ads and my dh has put a wanted advert on free cycle for anything useful. We have had someone offering a hutch and run (no idea how big yet or if it could be adapted for our project) but it comes with two male rabbits :shock:.

Your right snuffles, we don't necessarily need to go for full height panels and I will have another look at the cost of ready made runs.

Unfortunately, the mesh in the picture is like chicken wire and so no use. We used it to section off our old garden for the dogs.

Could you not go for lower panels as this would make it cheaper or buy a ready made run and attach it, think they are not too expensive on ebay or if o/h is good at diy make your own panels x

I think Snuffles is right that it will be cheaper getting lower panels, I suppose I was thinking about the long term use of it and how much easier the taller panels are, but they're not the easiest to buy! Hopefully you can find some cheap things soon. :D
Thanks for replying. Yeah, being able to walk in would be the ideal, but obviously more costly.

I've actually been looking at a ready made run which I could get for around £150 of at least 8x6 and then I could continue to add to it when funds allow. The top panels remove and its 2ft high, so I could step it to it (I think). The extra height would only be for my benefit really.

This is what we did for our 12x6 run (for our trio). We decided to sacrifice height for length / width. The roof panels remove so you can get in for cleaning etc x
Thanks for replying. Yeah, being able to walk in would be the ideal, but obviously more costly.

I've actually been looking at a ready made run which I could get for around £150 of at least 8x6 and then I could continue to add to it when funds allow. The top panels remove and its 2ft high, so I could step it to it (I think). The extra height would only be for my benefit really.

This is what we did for our 12x6 run (for our trio). We decided to sacrifice height for length / width. The roof panels remove so you can get in for cleaning etc x
I had a quote from a guy who hand makes them. A 15ft x 12ft x 3ft with removable lid was around £300.... I'll find his company name if you want... he's one of the cheapest I've ever found.

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I'm only 5ft 2" and I can step over 2ft. :wave:

I've had 2ft runs for Guinea pigs and hamsters and always picked this height so I could step over it. Thought I'd mention this in case it helps! :D

I've got a 6x2x2 hutch with 8x6 (2ft high) run on order from Welfare Hutches. I had a shed and aviary at the house we've moved from but this option seems best for my two buns at present and fits in with the space we have and our budget too. Our buns are older though at about 7 1/2 so they've steadied a lot lately. It's a nightmare deciding though!! I'm now planning on plywood, plastic roofing etc for the set-up when it comes! :p
I had a quote from a guy who hand makes them. A 15ft x 12ft x 3ft with removable lid was around £300.... I'll find his company name if you want... he's one of the cheapest I've ever found.

It's not Dave at ukrabbithutches is it? (Did we have a conversation on another thread, not sure?). That's where I got my 12x6x3 from, but it cost a bit more than that.

Buying that is one of the reasons why we will have to look at cheaper options this time if we can x
It's not Dave at ukrabbithutches is it? (Did we have a conversation on another thread, not sure?). That's where I got my 12x6x3 from, but it cost a bit more than that.

Buying that is one of the reasons why we will have to look at cheaper options this time if we can x

Yes it is! haha - forgot we had the convo already :)

If I find any good deals online I'll send them your way (I'm always looking online at hutches/cages/run even though I don't need any more)
Ha :lol: no worries.

I'd appreciate that thanks. I'm thinking about going back to Dave, that's where I've seen a 2ft high run at a good price x