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Idea to keep a bored rabbit ammused.....

Pepper loves chasing her treat ball! I put half their pellets in there usually. Sergeant prefers Pepper to do all the work though. Annoyingly it disappeared a few days ago. I've searched all over for it but can't find it anywhere! I'm going to have to buy a new one.
:lol: Thats great, as for the pen idea, I never even gave it a thought! Good idea! I can tell when Thumper is bored because he starts snooping around and then "BANG"....I look behind me and he has quite literally dived into a laying position with his head on the floor lookin ever so sad...but cute....exactly like my Signature! He got fed up, I thought it was just cute though ;)

:) He is lovely he looks and sounds just like my little Lotto :love:

I will definitely get one of those balls. BTW how is MK used to love shopping there when I lived in Luton, hated rush hour going home though thought I would never get off the M1! :lol: